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Aria was my bsf since like forever
We started doing drugs togheter even though she was like 13 but whatever.

I really care about her even if our relationship is kinda toxic cuz all we care about is drugs and getting high.

Ever since we met Fez the first time , Aria and him were like really close like best motherfuckers or some shit.

Even if their age gap was like a lot they were still somehow crazy close.

At a party once Fez and Aria got so high and drunk they started making out but nothing more. Fez still doesn't like talking about it cuz he doesn't wanna be seen he pedophile.

Their friendship was platonic

Astray wasn't that close with Aria but they still somehow got along . Ash was 1 years older than Aria so he always thought that he was more mature.
Maybe he was maybe he wasn't nobody gives a shit about being mature

Anyway let get to the story

"Sup Fez" Aria said as she walked into the shop

"Sup Ri" Fez said

"You got Molly and some weed? Been a long fucking day like for real dude"

"Yo for real Ri you ever stop doing that shit like Idk but you are only 14 and I dont want you fucking with that shit you know what I mean?"

"Dude it's just weed like chill man"

I just made my way to the store and I already saw Ri from afar

Anyways how did I met Ri you probably ask
I saw her drinking at a party once and then we just clicked
We booth had fucked up lives so we looked around if anything could help us


We asked for a drug dealer and turned out fez was one

Ever since then we all were like really close.
Ri and fez were like even closer but maybe it's cuz I'm a fucking biopolar bitch sometimes

Ri was only 13 when she started doing drugs
I didn't really had a problem with that tbh but fez and ashtray really had

They didn't want her to fuck her life up
But they trusted her enough not to do it

Anyways in the summer I went to rehab and now I'm finally free from that bullshit

So anyways

I walked into the store

"Sup Ri, Fez" I asked

"Rue?? You have been like gone forever" Ri said as she walked over to hug me

"How was rehab?" Fez said

"Ever since I gave my live the Jesus Christ it's been like really good"


"Bruh Fez she's fucking with you
anyways I'm going to the back
see you Rue, Fez!"
Ri said as she walked to the back

" Wait I thought Ri was sober??"

"I wish, she's been doing better but like for real rue I am fucking worried about you two
You know Ri she is not been doing good she is buying like almost every day Rue!"


Aria walked in

"Sup Ash"

"Sup Aria"

"Just fucking call me Ri alright? Anyways I need like weed and maybe like 300 mg of molly"

"I ain't giving you 300 ma
don't want you to overdose"

"Let's say 250 alright I just really fucking need it okay?"

"Alright 250 it is
Gonna be 157$ "


Ri walked away and I felt guilt running over me
I didn't want to sell to her anymore cuz it feels fucking wrong

I do care about Ri and Rue like really but I hate to see them fucking their lives up with drugs

Fuck this shit

𝕯𝖗𝖚𝖌𝖘 𝖉𝖔𝖓'𝖙 𝖉𝖔 𝖌𝖔𝖔𝖉  II Euphoria Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora