Arranged Heartbreak • Act I // S.S. • ღ

Start from the beginning

"Oh, really? Always glad to know I can count on you." Sebastian rolled his eyes and nudged his arm. "Watch me, then."

He fixed his collar and took a deep breath, before approaching the girl. "Hello, are you Miss ____?"

The girl looked up from her book, surprised. "That's me, how can I help you?"

She stared him up and down, her eyes piercing through him, whether willingly or not, he couldn't tell.

"I'm Sebastian Sallow." He greeted. "I'm a friend of Ominis, I'm sure you've met before. He had mentioned you as a transfer student from Italy. Beauxbatons, I suppose?"

"Ominis, you said?" She repeated, her tone laced with a hint of annoyance. She discarded his question and her eyes narrowed. "Came to mock as well, have you then?"

"Certainly not," he said, trying to maintain a friendly cadence in his voice. "I'm here on his behalf in fact. He has, well, in his own words, done you a great disservice, and I'm here to ask for your forgiveness, should you be willing to hear it."

She quirked an eyebrow at that, and he suddenly was all too aware of his own breathing. He continued nonetheless.

"You must excuse his manners, his views can be... rather narrow-minded, as you can see. And not of his own volition." He paused for a moment, trying not to take his eyes off hers. That would not look very assertive in a situation like that. "If you want to hear me out, I mean. I can understand if you don't think he's worth your time."

"I see he is so contrite that he had to send you to atone for his mistakes instead of fixing them on his own." She said sarcastically. "Me and Ominis Gaunt have nothing to do with each other, he had made his stances pretty clear and our conversation ended hours ago."

Her tone was full of distaste and he bit his lower lip, trying not to grimace. "That's fair," he sighed slowly. "I wouldn't do anything differently in your position, frankly. I will not force you to do anything, Miss ____, I know how valuable a person's time is. Just know that Ominis does feel remorse, even though he may not show it at the moment. He just needs time."

"I don't believe in apologies, Mr Sallow. I believe in actions." She said sternly. "And in cowardice."

His heart gave a slight jump at the weight of her words, and he definitely should have defended his best friend's honour better, but as a breach of trust, he felt a small smile creep onto his face.

"You know, I like you, Miss ____," he admitted, surprised at himself. "You're not afraid to tell people the truth. And I agree with you: Words mean nothing if they aren't followed by actions. I can assure you that Ominis is ready to show his remorse. You need only tell me what you'd like him to do, and I'm sure he'll comply."

"Mr. Sallow, I appreciate your willingness to help your friend," she said tersely. "But the offended shouldn't be the one to tell the offender how to make amends."

Damn, Ominis wasn't lying, the boy thought to himself.

"Good point." He admitted with a small smile. "You're right, he should be the one to prove his sincerity. If he can't think of anything himself, then he's just showing he doesn't mean it."

She nodded in agreement, not letting her guard down. "Is that all, or is there something else?"

"Do you think you can forgive him if he finds a way to make reparations?" He asked, more out of curiosity than anything else. He was actually impressed with how the girl handled the whole situation, especially because he had to stifle a snarky remark to Ominis himself after the latter had told him about their conversation word for word. He had expected her to be a bit more spiteful, given she was the offended party here.

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