It opened its eyes, fully.

  This new person wasn't all bad. There were certainly better ones, but this one would do. Maybe the one it was with would be better. But alas, it had already chosen. Maybe its other would choose the other human. That certainly would be interesting. It was pretty blind to emotion, but even it could plainly see that odd emotion the human felt for the companion. It was a wonder the human hadn't noticed, as far as it could tell. It wondered whether the other human felt the same emotion.

  It had never seen that emotion before, never felt it. It had felt something similar for that other one. It was never quite sure about what it felt for the other one. It definitely wasn't this, though. This emotion was different. Stronger, maybe. Or perhaps just more confusing. It could be both. It was most likely both.

  The human was asleep. This was good. This would be an ideal time to settle in. Settling in was important. Of course, it was still bound to that husk. That was a problem.

  Though it won't be for much longer, It reminded itself. If all is according to plan.

  However if all is according to plan, the other will be free as well.

  It was a bit uncomfortable at the other one being free, but it reminded itself that freedom would be worth it. It had spent far too long dormant, and it was itching to be free.

  Patience, It reminded itself. After all, patience was the key to freedom. It had learned that before, but it had never been such a long wait. It was usually only a hundred years or so, but this time it had been thousands. Thousands of years spent in this husk the humans had created. It was starting to become awfully boring.

  And not to mention the things the humans had written about it! "Violence". As if! It only resorted to violence when it needed to. Needless violence was a waste, and waste was not something it enjoyed.

  It could see something in the human's mind. An odd image. The human was surrounded by darkness and eyes, and whispers in the human language surrounded the human. A figure that looked similar to the human, but taller, loomed above the human, laughing. It might have been a... aa... what did the humans call it? A "dreem"? Yes. The humans called it a dreem. Whatever was in the human't mind was most likely a dreem. The dreem seemed to sadden the human.

  I did not pick a weakling of a human, It thought coldly. I picked a human who would free me.

  My human will not be saddened by a mere dreem. My human is strong.

  Just then it thought up a clever plan, one that would free the human from the dreem.

  It's so nice to meet you, my host.


Hello cacti! Sorry for not updating for like a month. I'm back now! Only reason I didn't decide to include a drawing was because I didn't know what to do with it, and this chapter wasn't meant to really have art. I think leaving it up to you guys is more fun. Now, until the next chapter, in the words of Red, "Feel free to theorize, as your speculation sustains me in a manner no mortal food or drink could ever satisfy."

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