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"I know you're positive about your decision and I definitely support it

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"I know you're positive about your decision and I definitely support it.....but I wouldn't be a good father if I didn't even ask....." We looked at pops, but I know he was specifically talking to Mase. "Are you sure.....?" Pops asked the question that we all knew the answer to.

Of course he is......

"Yeah I am.....Imma give her the necklace......" He nodded to himself, pops looked at me and Sam.

"Wha......?" Sam raised his brows, with a smirk......I looked at Mase with a determined look on his face

Oh he's forreal.....

I support it, not cuz she's bae's best friend, but because I genuinely see something real between Cadence and Mase. Giving her the necklace solidified the feelings he got for her to all of us, which we already knew were strong.

"I support it...." I shrugged, looking at them.

It was a mother's day, I'm pretty sure we were in highschool. Me, Sam and my brother gave mom necklaces each....Mase gave her an infinity heart, Sam gave her a rose like how it was on Beauty & The Beast and I gave her the butterfly. Yeah, our parents had money and we were fortunate with things.....but money wasn't just handed to us. Our parents made us work for things we wanted and we worked our asses off to give her these necklaces.

Mase is the biggest mama boy and there was never any favoritism between us, Mase just always broke his resolve for her first. His love for mama, like all of us.....is infinite. Like how I see it is for Cadence, my brother ain't flinch when he shot Mykel dead center......Mase and Cadence, this is something I never seen with him and someone else. He won't hesitate when it comes to her and Eli.....his resolve will always break for them.

My parents immediately adopted Sam from my aunt, my mom's sister fell into making bad decisions that costed her life. No matter how hard mama tried to get her lil sister help, aunty Janelle always ran back to the streets. My parents saved my cousin from a broken situation and Sam always told mom that she helped a rose grow from those cracks. Literally a week before she died, she told us to give these necklaces to women who would make us feel for that special for them. Just like how we took the thought to specifically pick them out for her because they each represented a significance.

I might give mines to bae.....

I see where my brother and cousin are.....content with who they're with right now. Daria gives me this......balance and I feel just fine with being with just her. I did stupid shit before Daria and yeah, history loves to bite you back in the ass hard.....but......I think I understand why mama said that I was gonna end up chasing that one who won't give me the time or day. My irresponsible ways, came back at me when I was tryna fix my shit and try to get with bae. It was a challenge, but getting to know bae at the pace she was allowing me.....it gave me the time to get my shit straight. I learned a lot about myself, I like being able to just keeping bae happy and the small rewards of her laughing at my stupidness is all I want. Just seeing her beautiful smile and her sarcastic comments that don't hurt my ego for shit.....

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