"Come on Blaine" I soothe as I try to lay him back down.


"Ok, come on" I say as I pick him up with his bottle, everything he needs to sleep with and the monitor into my room. I lie him on the bed and put the monitor next to the other one then lie next to him and give him his stuff. I gave him his bottle and he drunk it.

I thought he would of gone to sleep, but instead he try to cuddle me and situate himself then he cried, rooting for my nipple, I sighed before taking a pill. I lie him slightly side ways so he could get to it easier and then I put pillows behind him going long ways.

"Shhh, here, come on" I soothe as I rubbed his back.

"There you go" I whispered. Blaine was soon falling asleep while having my milk.

"Mmm" he stirred a little bit.

"Shhh" I soothed. Finally, Blaine was asleep, so I swapped my nipple for his dummy and I knew he was in a deep sleep, because he would of stirred if he knew my nipple was being taking away from him. I slowly and quietly moved away from him so I could turn one monitor on and bring the other down.

"What took you so long?" Finn asked.

"Oh he wouldn't settle in his bed so he's now in mine" I sighed as I put the bottle on the counter.

"I'm probably going to have to keep checking on him, incase he has another seizure"

"Ok, well I packed away his toys, because I know it's probably going to be a long day for you so" Finn shrugs.

"Thanks Finn, I couldn't asked for anything better than a great step-brother and his amazing mum" I say as we hugged each other.

"No problem although it was your idea so you could try to get with me" he chuckled as he joked about it.

"Oh god, please don't" I chuckled as well.

An hour later Blaine woke up.

"Hey baby" I cooed as I picked him up.

"Huwrts daddy" he cried.

"Ok let's get you sorted then I will give you something to ease it ok" I soothed.

"Tay" I go into his room and change him and his bandages, before taking him downstairs and squashing painkillers into his food while Finn distracts him for me.

"Thanks Finn" I say as I sit down next to Blaine and feed him.

"No problem, I'm gonna head out to the boys', tell my mum I will be back for dinner please?"


"Thanks, bye"

"See ya" I call out.

"Bye-bye" Blaine called as well.

"Bye kiddo" he chuckled before leaving.

"Lets get you cleaned up mister" I say as I get some wipes to wipe his face, hands and tray.

"What do you want to do now sweetie?" I asked him as I took him out of his chair.

"Ou'ide?" he suggests.

"Lets get shoes on then" I say and collect his shoes.

"No daddy, no shoes" he protests.

"Then you can't go out" I say.


"Are you going to put your shoes on then?" I ask him, giving him a look.

"Fine" he huffs.

Infantilism BlaineWhere stories live. Discover now