Girl Meets Popular

Start from the beginning

"I'm sure you're right." Mr. Matthews told her, "Farkle!" "When Damocles sat on the throne he noticed a sword hanging over it, help up by a single tiny thread." Farkle said. "Maya," Cory said, turning to my sister. "Be careful what you wish for." Maya replied. "Dylan. Why?" He asked me, turning to me. "Being what other people want you to be is just a sword hanging over your head." I replied. "Good. Riley." Cory said, turning to his daughter. "Nothing to do with me." Riley said, doing a gesture with her hands. Maya and I mimicked it.


I walked down the hall with Maya, Cory, and Riley to drop Riley off at her "popular" party. "Well, looky here, teacher daddy, nothing hanging over my head except this here halo of popularity." Riley said, holding up an invisible halo, "And yay for you, my best friends, for watching me with smiles." "Yeah, we're smiling,  we're watching." Maya and I said in unison. 

"First of all. Whenever you two say something at the same time, it still creeps me out." Cory told Maya and I. I shrugged. He then turned to Riley. "All right, all right. Half hour you can stay. I'm waiting right here." Cory told her. Riley pressed the doorbell, and we heard it buzz.  A panicked look appeared on Mr. Mattews face. 

"I changed my mind. I want you two in there. Protect your friend." Cory told Maya and I. "We can't do that, sir." I told him, "Wasn't invited." "Why is that exactly?" Cory asked. "About to find out, sir. Smile. Watch." Maya told him. I nodded, and leaned up against the wall behind me.

The door opened and revealed Farkle. I tried to hold in my laugh. "Greetings, fellow party-goer." Farkle greeted. "Farkle?" Riley asked in confusion. "Starting to become clear, sir?" I asked. "Oh yeah. I'm smiling real big." Cory told us. We all walked into the apartment. And the room looked all nerdy if you ask me.

"Announcing the arrival of party guest number six, female number one." Farkle announced. "Shocker there's only one female," I whispered to Maya. She nodded. I looked around the room, and saw another female in the room. "I'm a female, Farkle." The girl said, and did this weird pose. I raised my eyebrow. "You getting this yet?" Maya asked. "But pretty boy. Pretty boy's still here."  Riley said. "Wait for it." I said. All of a sudden "pretty boy" took off his coat and his accessories to reveal two geeks.  "That's the greatest thing I've ever seen in my life." Cory commented. I nodded. 

"It's a geek party!" Riley shouted in realization. "We know, honey." Maya and I said in unison through our giggles. "Everybody welcome Riley." Farkle ordered. All the geeks started to do some sort of robot dance while speaking in some foreign language. "Honey, stay an hour. Stay a week, stay forever. Just enjoy." Cory said, pushing Riley closer to the center of the room.

"Hey, you know what would make this just perfect for me?" Cory asked. "Have you noticed the lightsabers hanging from the ceiling precariously over your head?" One of the geeks asked Riley. She looked up and a lightsaber came down, just above Riley's head. "Damocles." Riley hissed. "Well. I'm out," I said and walked out of the apartment. I started to walk to the subway, with Maya trailing just behind me.


Maya and I stormed into the classroom, to have a little talk with our little buddy Farkle. Maya picked Farkle up by his shirt, while I sent him dirty looks. "Okay, Farkle. Where is she?" I questioned. "Whatever have I done to deserve this display of affection?" Farkle asked, ignoring my question. "This look like affection to you?" Maya asked. "I takes it however I gets it." Farkle told us a smacked his lips, "Right there, nurses." 

"She wasn't there when we tried to pick her up this morning and we couldn't find her in the halls." I explained. "What'd you do with our girl?" Maya asked. "Maya, Dylan, release the Farkle." We heard Riley order. Maya and I turned around and saw Riley walk into the room wearing. The weirdest thing I had every seen her wear. And that's saying something.

Dylan, Time To Meet The World (GMW: Season 1) Where stories live. Discover now