Wrapping her bathrobe around her, she headed into the living room to see if maybe she had turned the heat off and was surprised to see the front door open. The cold fall air had blown leaves into her home and scattered them across the entrance floor. Running to the door she slammed it and locked both locks. With her back to the door, she scanned the room to see if there was any sign that anyone was here or had been in here. Once she was satisfied, she pushed herself off the door and headed over to the thermostat. It read 42 degrees, no wonder she was freezing. She cranked the heat up to 80 and started the coffee pot.

She knew she locked the door last night after her date, so why was the door wide open when she woke up? Something wasn't right and it sent chills all over her body. No one had a key to the house, and only Sarah knew where the spare key was, but she wouldn't have left the door open if she stopped by and she definitely would've locked it behind her. Hoping maybe it was her and maybe she forgot to lock it she grabbed her phone and called Sarah.

"Hey love! It's about time you called me. I've been waiting to hear back about your date." Sarah said laughing.

"Hey, did you stop by last night by any chance?" She replied as she kept scanning the area.

"No, I didn't know how late you would be getting home. Why what's up?"

"I'm sure it's nothing. Maybe I forgot to close it last night with all the excitement. I woke up and my house was freezing, and when I came into the living room the front door was wide open. I thought maybe you stopped by while I was sleeping." She said trying to calm herself down. It was possible that she forgot with everything going on yesterday. Maybe she hadn't closed it all the way and the wind blew it open.

"I'm on my way! Be there in 10 minutes." With that she hung up.

!0 minutes later Sarah came walking into the house. She looked out the windows, scanning the tree line, and checked every room in the house. Nothing. There were no signs of anyone being here.

"I didn't see anything, and it doesn't look like anyone forced their way in, but your spare key is missing." Sarah said still looking around. She seemed like she was on edge as she walked around the place.

"It's missing?! So, someone was here last night then while I was sleeping. Oh my god Sarah. Who would do this? This hasn't happened once since I've lived here." Lucinda said with a shaky voice, her hands trembling at the thought of what could have happened. How did she not hear someone? She was usually such a light sleeper; the howling outside would wake her up sometimes.

"I don't know. But everything it going to be okay. We will get your locks changed and get all new keys. Instead of leaving the spare outside for me, I'll just put it on my keychain, so I always have it. Have you told anyone else about this?"

"No, I haven't told anyone. You're the first person I called. I didn't know what else to do." She said as she took off her robe. The house was finally warming up.

"Okay, maybe you should call Damon. I know you guys just had that one date, but I feel like this is something you should tell him. Maybe he can stay over at night and watch over you."

"I don't know. We just met and I've never had anyone stay over, especially a guy. I don't feel comfortable being here alone though. What if whoever it was comes back?" she said with wide eyes, her face paling as she thought about someone breaking in and attacking her.

"Which is exactly why you shouldn't be here alone. I get you just met the guy, but I've known him my entire life. He will protect you. He's not the type to try to force anything on you. At least call him and tell him what's going on." Sarah said as she hugged her, glad she was okay. She wasn't going to tell Lucinda about the tracks outside, or the smell she had caught when she walked up. There was so much Lucinda didn't know and she wasn't going to be the one to tell her and change her life forever.

Lucinda pulled out her phone and called Damon. Unsure of what she was supposed to say or what would happen when she told him.

"Hey beautiful, how are you?" Damon said with his deep morning voice. Lucinda's legs immediately began to shake at the sound, and her heart started racing. She didn't understand how he could have such an effect on her, and so soon but she wasn't going to fight it.

"Not good, uhm something happened.." as she explained what had happened and how her spare key was missing she could almost feel the anger and worry coming from him through the phone.

"Stay with Sarah. I will be there as soon as I can." With that he hung up and she turned to Sarah.

"He is on his way. I can't believe this is happening. Why would anyone break into my home? I'm a nobody, I don't have any money. I work at a damn bookstore which pays just enough to cover bills." She said with a long sigh. 

Hidden LunaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon