part 22

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Aadhya pov

I reached my home town and I immediately went to my home......I saw all children are playing around and my mom and dad receiving guest.....I Immediately went near them and hugged them tightly

"I miss you both so much" I said and they both hugged me tightly

"We too Aadhya" they said and we pulled out from hug

"Where is my little birthday prince??" I said looking around

"He is waiting for you go inside" my mom said while smiling

I immediately rushed inside and saw my brother is sitting in couch looking sad.....I slowly went near him and surprised him

"Happy birthday my little prince" I said giving his favorite gift to him

He looked at me and hugged me tightly and cried in my shoulder.....I wiped his tears and consoled him

"What happened baby?? Why are you crying??" I asked him

"I missed you so much pumpkin and I thought you won't come to my birthday party" he said sniffing aww! My little baby actually he call me pumpkin

I wiped his tears and hugged him tightly

"I'm here my baby don't cry I miss you so much" I said wiping my tears I can't see my brother crying fro me

I gave so many chocolates and his favorite gift to him and now he is okay playing with his friends.....I'm arranging the cake but I got a call from arjun bit I ignored it.......but he continuously calling me getting into my nerves

I lifted the call and went inside my room.....

"What is wrong with you arjun?? Why are disturbing me??" I said while being angry

"Where the hell are you??? I'm in flat Where the fuck are you?? We have race did you forget??" He roared at me in call

"I can't come I'm in my hometown" I said

"Why?? Why the fuck you went there??" He said while gritting teeth

"It's my brother birthday Mr.arjun and do I need to take your fucking permission to come to my home??" I said and cut the call immediately he is getting into my nerves

I went downstairs and saw all members gathered around birthday boy.....I smiled and went near him and told him to cut the cake.......he immediately cut the cake and we all sing birthday song for him.....

Time skip

I'm giving cake and chocolates to every guest......I saw my little prince is very happy and excited

Soon all guest went away and went are having our dinner......later my brother slept while hugging me

I slowly took him to his room and made him to sleep on his bed.....I kissed his forehead

"Once again a very happy birthday my baby" I said and caress his cheek and went away

Soon I reached my room and changed into my pajama and collapsed on my bed feeling the softness......I closed my eyes and try to sleep

Suddenly I got a call from arjun..... I ignored it but he is being a stubborn jerk continuously calling......I pulled my hair and lift the call

"What??" I said in irritation

"Come outside" he said in husky voice

"To where??" I asked him again feeling my heart is beating very fast

"I said come outside I'm waiting infront of your house" he said making me to drop my phone on bed and ran to my window and saw his car

I held my heart and went near my phone

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