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Let's say Amun, was surprised but alarmed when Carlisle and Esme Cullen arrived in Egypt asking him to witness for their granddaughter. Biological daughter of Edward Cullen and Bella Swan (now Cullen) while Edward is a vampire, Bella was a human but is now a newborn. 

But as soon as the Volturi came into the conversation they refused it immediately, but being beside a pool, where Thea, Benji and Tia were hidden, Benjamin conjured a wave stopping them from leaving. "I would like to know, Amun likes to keep me hidden," he states as he lowers the wave. "I can't imagine why," Carlisle states. After explaining it to us we are heading to a dreary town called Forks, Washington. Benji wanted to come as he wanted to witness and Amun didn't want to lose his secret gem, so he agreed to come. 

Arriving in Forks, your first thought was cold. You had however been amazing by the quality and beauty of the house you were going to stay in while witnessing for Renesmee, the half vampire-half human child. She looked around 9, but was only weeks, maybe a couple of months old. Benjamin goes up to the child instantly and they each show each other their gifts, you stay near Amun and Kebi as you're still wary. The child looks up at you and goes towards you and Amun, but Edward convinces her not to as he reads your and Amun's thoughts towards the child. 

From then Amun, Kebi and you stay as far away from the child as possible. As Amun and Kebi go hunting together as you and Amun went yesterday, you were alone up in a tree with a beautiful blue hued butterfly on your hand have a telepathic conversation as that's how you conversed with butterflies. "Thank you for coming Thea," you hear a female voice say. It's the blond Cullen, Rose-something you believe. You tended to stay away from everyone as they were always around the child. "I'm Rosalie," "I'm Thea," you say as the blue butterfly flies away. You always wondered why you were gifted to be able to talk to butterflies, Benji thought it was because butterflies couldn't see their wings, not being able to see their beauty, but you disagreed. Jumping down, you nod and question, "Why aren't you with the ch.... Renesemee?" "She's sleeping," she replies. "Sorry but I have to go find Amun," you say walking off you think, she was too pretty, like a goddess. 

It was midnight when you returned, Amun and Kebi walking through the door just after you. You weren't allowed to hunt in Forks due to the treaty with the mutts. They stunk and were always not wearing shirts; did they even owe one? Amun greets you and you tell him of how the blond tried to talk to her, but you stayed away as you didn't want to be roped into help the child. 

(490 Words)

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