Part 4: Kyle Mathis the Ghost Dreamer

Start from the beginning

Marco cocks back his gun, Keith keeps his eyes on the boy.

"Kyle, it's all going to be alright..."

Marco squeezes the trigger...


Marco's shot gets thrown off by the disco balls that came crashing down around the two men and the boy. Keith looks up to see the final disco coming down, he dodges it by jumping away from the center. Marco notices too late, the ball crashes down and he shields himself which causes him to lose his grip on the rope around the boy's hands. His gun slides into the abyss of fire behind his sight.

Kyle takes the chance to get away from Marco, to get away from the flames and smoke. Kyle runs back through the path Marco had led him before.

You watch as Keith crosses the rink over to where Marco and Kyle were.

Keith chases after Kyle, but a powerful hand from the shadows grabs his shoulder and spins him around. Keith is face to face with Marco, ash covers his face and his shirt, before Marco punches Keith hard. Keith falls back into one of the fallen hot disco balls. Keith yells as his back encounters the burning surface. He feels the heat through his leather vest and shirt.

"You're gonna die here, puto," Marco screams as he punches Keith again before throwing him back into the center of the rink.

Keith slides across the floor into the center disco ball and lets out another yell.

Marco marches over to Keith, he lifts Keith up by the culler of his vest with one hand and uses his free hand to land another blow. But Keith was able to block it and break hold of Marco's grip. Keith wraps and pins Marco's arms under his own before headbutting him with all his strength, it causes Marco to stagger backwards. The blow draws blood from Marco's nose.

Before Marco can regain his balance Keith spears him into a disco ball. The ball shatters as the two men's bodies collide into it. After a few moans and grunts later a freshly scared Keith gets kicked out of the remains of the shattered ball. Marco, with blood leaking from his forehead and right shoulder, emerges next.

Keith gets up, wipes the blood from the corner of his mouth and throws his damaged vest into the flames behind him. Both men cough as they square up with their fist raised and ready to go. Without any hesitation Keith throws a right hook, but Marco parries and gives Keith his own right to his ribs. Keith doesn't let that hinder him and gives Marco a taste of his own move.

Marco barely feels Keith's punch, so he gives Keith an elbow blow across his cheek drawing blood. Keith staggers back but regains his composure and retaliates with a furry of combos. Keith starts with a low kick to Marco's left knee, which causes him to buckle. Keith follows up with a left hook, then a right before grabbing the bloody head of Marco with both hands and bringing it down to meet his knee. Keith draws massive amounts of blood from Marco's nose. Marco falls backwards, Keith takes a moment to try to catch his breath, but all he gets is smoke that burns his throat.

You hear Keith's thoughts...

"I need to find Kyle and get us out of here." Keith starts to maneuver through the flames, burning his hands, but he doesn't feel the pain at the moment.

You follow Kieth as he makes his way through the path that's untouched by the flames, it leads him all the way to Kyle, who is laid out surrounded by flames.

Keith jumps through the flames and picks up Kyle's unconscious body. He scans for a way out and finds an exit sign, but it's being blocked off by debris.

You hear Keith's thoughts again.

"Maybe we can exit the way I came in. I hope so. I gotta get him back to his mother."

Keith cradles Kyle and runs through the flames with haste while dodging falling and grounded debris. They reach the rink; Kieth can barely see the other side. The flames and smoke are growing thicker. He stares down at the little boy in his arms and sorrow covers his face. The tears won't come due to the heat of the flames. He looks back at the nearly engulfed rink and feels afraid to even attempt to cross it, but he knows if he doesn't the boy loses all chances of survival.

He leaps over what's left of the guardrail of the rink and makes a mad dash for the other side. As he runs, he can see a narrow path untouched by the flames. Keith clears the rink and runs down the path. The path leads them to a hallway, the flames are slowly creeping along the walls and ceiling. Keith runs at full speed trying to get to the exit before it's consumed by the fire all the while his lungs burn for oxygen.

"Hang in there Kyle, we're almost to safety."

You appear in front of Keith and Kyle, and you hear Keith's thoughts.

"Where did that light come from? Could it be someone opening the door? I can see something... Someone."

As you watch the excitement of hope appear in Keith's eyes, you see an inflamed man leap out of the fire from behind him; you point...

"Why are they pointing at us?" Keith thinks.

Two flame covered hands grab Keith's shoulders and pull him back. With horror on his face Keith throws Kyle towards the light.

The last things you see are Kyle coming right at you while Keith is being dragged into the flames of the rink by a monster covered in fire...

- - -

You scream as you come to a setting position. Your blurry sight begins to focus, you see the shocked faces of Sable and the school's nurse stares at you.

"Aye, you gave me a fright earlier, Newbie." Sable gives you a warm smile.

You get hung up on the word earlier and go to check your phone, but panic sets in because you can't find it.

"Oh, you're looking for this," Sable holds up your phone. "Sorry, I had to answer it because you received a call from one of your parents. I told them what happened and told them not to worry, I'll take you home."

"You're lucky to have a classmate as caring as this young lady," the nurse says as she hovers the Temporal artery thermometer near your forehead. "She came to check on you the last two periods and bought your homework too," Beep beep, the thermometer goes off. "You're running a bit of a fever," the nurse finishes.

"I'll take care of them, Mrs. Shandill. Now come Newbie." Sable picks up your bag and books.

"I know a place that'll make you feel better. It's the life energy of all the teens across the county." Sable says as you two exit the nurse's office.

• • •

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2023 ⏰

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