chapter 6 dark wood forest

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narrorater: hello this is the next part I hope you enjoy

kotoni: send shields and spears in formation to incept!
elite soildiers: clashing with demonics and air soildiers *
kotoni: (what is this feeling!) see's shadow hunter *
shadow hunter: leaves with a mysterious man *

kotoni: siko...
siko: yes kotoni?
kotoni: who is shadow hunter...
siko: he is a conqueror of universes, his goal is to revive inotok, the shadow king, the shadow king is able to control hyper verses, we believe he is your ancestor due to similar styles of attacks, as well of mastered elements as well as same blood...
kotoni: I see...

siko: kotoni!
kotoni: yes?
siko: 900,000 enemy demonics on the west!
siko: we only have 300,000, our other soildiers are defending the capital, demonics have us surrounded!
kotoni: bring out the canons...
elite artillery manners: shoots of rounds of canon blast at the enemy *
elite archers: do the same *
kotoni: siko...
siko: yes?

kotoni: lead 29,000 soildiers to safety...
siko: thats only 1,000 to defend! and you are heavily injured!
kotoni: sry, take all 30,000
siko: ...
siko: very well... leaves with army *

air nation general: look like we got who we are looking for!
kotoni: gets of his horse barely standing having his hand to a wound *
air archers: shoot volleys of arrows at kotoni *
kotoni: gets hit in the shoulder as blood bleeds out,
kotoni: dodges thousands of more arrows *
kotoni: (so i am still to injured to activate avatar form, and deity form)
kotoni: jumps at the enemy's killing 50,000 immediately *

air nation and other nations generals: wha-
kotoni: elite art... tsunami wave 10th variation...
kotoni: destroys all the enemy's immediately *
kotoni: (they will most likely regain troops but the other's should be safe)
siko: kotoni! I am back the others are safe!
siko: what the- see's all the enemy's dead on the ground *
kotoni: panting heavily as he gets back on his horse *
kotoni: the dark wood forest... is ours...

narrorater: thats it for this part I hope you enjoyed have a great day/night

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