Final Countdown

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Both sides were engaging in a massive battle with Midway in the middle. His ship, twisted and turned into something more advanced than anyone else, was deploying large jet powered fighters.

A flight of Zeros and Judys from Kaga were arcing in towards Midway's carrier, seeing him having no guns and deciding he was now an easy target.

That was until she saw a smoke trail coming towards her and hits one of her aircraft. More smoke trails were rising up and hitting Kaga's aircraft.

"Tch, guided rockets." Kaga stated as she continued her dive towards his carrier, losing more and more planes to Midway's Sea Sparrows.

When she finally entered visual range, she saw the massive carrier with an angled flight deck. As Kaga looked around, she had lost all of her bombers and only a few fighters were left.

She looked back down on the carrier and saw 2 turrets start aiming at her, what she did not anticipate was how fast they fired.

Thousands of 25mm rounds flew up into the sky and started shredding the fighters apart, the sounds of which was just a BRRRRTTT.

Kaga's own plane she was riding was chewed apart by fire and she fell towards the carrier before landing on it.

"Well, well, I didn't think you'd get this far."

She looked up and saw Midway sitting on a garden chair. "Anti air defenses certainly got more advanced than your heyday, Kaga." Midway stated as he chuckled.

Midway felt someone land on his ship and he turned to see Enterprise as well. Floating down from above came Akagi. Everyone in death stare at each other.

Midway looked around and chucked. "I'll handle Akagi if you handle Kaga."

Enterprise looked at Midway and said, "Don't think this makes us allies."

Both Kaga and Enterprise take to the air and start fighting each other as Midway and Akagi just stare at each other.

"Now I will show you the power of my lo..."

"Stop right there." Midway interrupting Akagi.

"You've told the same thing so many times already. So many times." He continued to say.

Akagi only looked annoyed and asked, "And what do you think I'll say?"

"You'll talk about how your love transcends the world and can burn it eternally, and then you'll summon a golden dragon made of your "love" and try to do a fruitless attack against me."

Akagi was speechless as Midway continued saying things that was going to happen. "H... h... how...?" was the only thing Akagi could say.

Midway smiled and simply stated, "Because I've seen it time and time again, word for word, attack for attack."

Jets streaked across the sky, launching their AMRAAMs, their anti ship missiles, and their laser guided bombs. They show everyone the true evolution of warfare, the tactical importance and flexibility of an aircraft carrier.

Midway continued smiling and said, "Have you ever heard of a Reenactment, Akagi?"

"How would you feel if that this entire thing, this entire conflict, this entire world even was just a reenactment?" Midway coldly stated.

Akagi started walking backward, starting to fear what Midway was saying.

An explosion then happened in the air as Midway looked up and said, "Ah.... here comes Code G again."

A bright flash started consuming the entire area and spreading out, Akagi looked back to only see Midway's smile as he waved bye bye.

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