He shook his head. I cupped his cheeks kissing him. He wrapped his arms around my waist keeping me against him. I leaned my forehead against his. 

"I love you. I love you and I won't lose you." He clenched his jaw as he struggled to take a deep breath. I smiled looking up at him.

"You love me?" I repeated. He nodded as he took in a short breath.

"More than I thought I could love someone."

"I love you." I echoed. I hated saying the I love you 'too' part. I bit my lip as he smiled. "You're everything to me and so much more, Alec. I'm sorry I made you go through that, but I couldn't let anything happen to you or the others I care for." I reasoned. He shook his head cutting off my words with another kiss making me laugh at him. "I love you with everything I have left in me."

"I also hate your martyr mentality," Alec breathed as he kissed me again.

"Alright that's good enough, I need to hug my parabatai again," Isabelle came through the door. 

I could see the dark circles under her eyes from the withdrawals. I laughed as I was passed from one Lightwood to the other.

"I knew you were going to do that," Magnus looked disappointed, but I was okay with it this time.

"Well I tried to tell you, but you wouldn't listen. So I did it on my own," I reasoned as I sat down with Izzy holding onto me.

"It shouldn't have been you," Magnus said.

"Yeah, well someone somewhere decided I needed a fresh start so yeah," I shrugged and leaned back into the couch. "I'm so fucking tired." 

"I've gotta go tell Clary how I feel," Jace smiled as he ran for the door. It was like he suddenly was struck with this need to confess.

"Um, what?" I pointed at him.

"He isn't your brother. Valentine lied. He told Clary and him the truth while he was holding the soul sword so he was being honest when he said you weren't related." Alec explained as he sat down on the other side of me taking my hand in his.

"That's diabolical."


"Lena." It was an older woman. She had a nicely pressed blazer and skirt on. 

Imogen Herondale staring at me. She was the inquisitor. The second to the president of the head power of the clave.

"Fuck." I breathed. "Imogen, you here for Valentine?" I tried to recover, but she already looked disgusted with my presence. 

"Walk with me?" She waved her hand as we started to walk down the stairs. "Do you understand what kind of damage you've caused?"

"I destroyed the soul sword," I said.

"You aided Valentine in his overtake of this Institution," She stated. "You didn't stop him from getting the soul sword. You didn't stop him before. Why?"

"I had to get enough demon blood in my system to be able to destroy the soul sword," I explained. "I knew that the downworlders would want Clary dead since they knew she was the key to unlocking it, so I did what I had to do to protect my sister." 

She stopped and turned toward me. Her eyes moved up and down my body. I didn't know what she was looking for, but she didn't seem like she found it.

"I suggest you finally start following some rules, Miss Morgenstern. The Clave will only give you so much slack before they bring you to Idris for final execution," She walked off. 

Til The Bitter End | Alec LightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now