Chapter Twenty-Four

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While Astarion lay asleep the rest of the early morning, I went back to my canvas and finished my work, adding bits of color and detail to each brushstroke. When it was complete, I brought it downstairs to dry where Astarion wouldn't see it. 

"That's ... wow." Shadowheart admired my work from where she sat next to a sleeping Karlach. It seems that they had been sleeping in rather close quarters judging by the heat radiating off of Shadowheart and her bright pink cheeks. 

"I want to give this to him when we reach Baldur's Gate," I said. "When things settle down and we can find places to live, I thought he might appreciate a house-warming gift." 

"That's optimistic of you." Wyll said. "You haven't led us astray yet, Tav. I trust that with you, we will see the end of this." He stretched his arms out and smoothly wrapped one around Lae'zel's shoulders, earning a glare from her. "What say you, my lady? Will you accompany me to my father's coast when we reach Baldur's Gate?"

"Tsk. I will return to my people and ascend under Vlakith. Then, I will have my own dragon to travel upon." Lae'zel's words were clipped, but I could feel through our bond an underlying tenderness for Wyll. She was going to miss him, whether she wanted to admit it or not. 

Eventually, the house was alive and awake. My mother greeted us and kissed my forehead, and she did the same for my sisters. Astarion came down from upstairs, a lazy smile on his face and hair immaculately done. He surprised everyone, including myself, by wrapping an arm around my waist and placing a quick kiss to my temple. Seeing this, Gale's jaw dropped as his eyes went from Astarion to Shadowheart to me. He turned to a now awake Karlach. 

"Is Tav sleeping with both of them now?"  

Karlach barked out a laugh. "What's that, mate?" Karlach smacked Shadowheart's butt lightly from where she stood. "This ass is mine - besides that, Tav and I keep our hands to ourselves." 

Gale's face twisted as he looked my way. "I see." 

"It seems Gale's found our little secret out," Astarion muttered into my ear. 

I turned and looked up at him, frowning. "I feel bad. I should have set him straight the first time." 

"No need to feel bad, darling," Astarion cooed. "He'll have to get used to it because from now on, I am determined to let everyone know that you are mine." 

I could feel my face burn and insides tumble at his words. So this was it then? We were official. The prospect had me as happy and free feeling as the day I had escaped the Underdark. Which reminded me - we needed to make our way out of this place and move forward. 

"Mother, are you making food?" I called to her in the kitchen. "We will have to be on the road before the afternoon bells chime."

"Afternoon bells?" Astarion asked. 

"Because we don't have sunlight," Della interrupted, "there are bells to tell us the time up above. Not many villages do this. Ours is a bit of an anomaly." 

"Which is why it was so easy for Tav to acclimate to the upper land's day and night schedule," Raefi added. "She would stay up half the night waiting for the evening bells to ring and then sleep in late until the next bells." 

"I should have known what she was up to all those nights," Reya said, coming out of the kitchen with her hands on her hips. "Maybe I could have stopped her from leaving."

"I don't think anyone could have stopped me, mama. Not even you." I absentmindedly rubbed at my shoulder where a bit of scar tissue lingers from her cruel whippings. 

"Well anyhow, I know you have to get back out there, but you must eat something before you go." My mother waved us all into the kitchen where we grabbed food one at a time in a single file. There were potato pancakes and butter, fresh vegetables and dark berries from my sisters' garden, and plenty of other delights that we hadn't seen in weeks. We all took places among the house and dining room, eating and talking quietly about the future of our trip. The group was going to follow me from the Underdark through the path back up to Rivington, the closest town to Baldur's Gate. Then, we'd nearly be at our goal. But we still had no idea how to remove the worms or who we would need to see to help us. 

"I expect Cazador to hear word of my return quickly," Astarion said, more to himself than anyone else. 

"Don't fret, mate," Karlach assured him, clasping him on the shoulder. 

"Let the snake try - I'll gut him within moments." Lae'zel's ferocity showed in her particularly vengeful expression. Astarion smiled, only a little, but there was a smile nonetheless. 

"Thank you all. Truly. I never thought I'd find so many allies," Astarion said. He looked up at my mother where she stood before all of us. "And thank you, Reya, for hosting us here. It's been a pleasure." 

"The pleasure is all mine, little one. Now, let's get you on your way back home." Mother's eyes were once again misty as she beheld my friends and I together. 

We spent the rest of the morning cleaning and preparing for departure. Astarion offered to help my mother with the dishes, and I watched them with a wary eye. Shadowheart and I took what provisions we could from the garden and packed our bags with food. Gale, Wyll, and Karlach rolled up the bedrolls and packed up the rest of our things. Before long, we were ready to set out. 

"Goodbye, Tav." Della gave me a tight hug. 

"Remember that we love you," Raefi said, near tears as she kissed my cheek. My sisters said their goodbyes to my friends, both of them growing especially bashful around Gale. Suspiciously so. I had no doubt that my little sisters had grown quite fond of the handsome wizard. 

"Remember that this is your home," my mother said, taking her turn to hug me. "When you defeat those mindflayers, send me a letter from Baldur's Gate. We'll be waiting." 

"I love you all. I'll send for you soon," I called as we walked away. Karlach had tears in her eyes as we made our way out of the village. 

"Karlach, what on earth is wrong?" Wyll asked her. 

"I'm just going to miss them," Karlach sobbed.

"It's not like we'll never see them again, friend." I patted her back soothingly. "Whenever you want to visit you only have to let me know." 

"Me too?" Shadowheart asked.

"Am I invited as well?" Gale's eyes brightened. 

"Looks like we're going to have a full house for the holidays," Astarion laughed, but his words warmed my heart. 

We continued walking on, making our way to the tunnelway and out of the Underdark once and for all. 

To Baldur's GateDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora