"Nah, we can do this. They have to handle their parents. Don't bother them."

"Okay, why are you acting like you're the boss now?" Jace asked.

"Why are you acting like a whiny bitch all of a sudden, hmm?" I snapped. Clary stood between the two of us.

"I don't know what's happening but both of you stop it." Clary sighed. "Lena, you get the badge from the lady at the front desk. We need you to get into the breaker room." I turned to look at Jace.

"Anything to add captain?" I asked.

"Okay, get it out, what is this?" Clary waved her hands between us. "What's happening?"

"She's hurting Alec," Jace glared at me. I tilted my head. "He's my parabatai and his pain was unbearable last night. What did you do to him?"

"I don't want to talk about it," I breathed. "How does he feel now?"

"Fine," Jace sighed.

"So why are you angry with her?" Clary asked.

"She's gonna hurt him again," Jace glared. "Alec is a good person."

"I know that, don't you think I know that," I threw my hands in the air.

"Then treat him well," Jace sighed. "I thought after all this time you both have been swooning for one another you would be able to work these things out." I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"We are new at this whole thing. I take responsibility for my actions last night. They were not my best," I reasoned.

"What did you do?" Clary asked. I shook my head.

"Irrelevant, but it should be okay now. Right?" I asked Jace. He nodded his head. "Great now let's get this done I want that cup." I walked into the precinct. I saw the woman at the front desk, she had a key to get upstairs to the breaker room.

"Hello," I smiled.

"What can I do for you?" She asked. I looked around her desk and saw the open water bottle.

"Oh, I just need some—," I reached for the pamphlets spilling the water. "Information." I tried to help her move stuff around my other hand coming around to grab the key card.

"Just take them and go," She scoffed as I grabbed more brochures.

"Thank you, I'm so sorry," I winced.

She didn't look at me again as I walked away from her desk. I dropped the brochures into the trash and moved up the stairs scanning the card through. When I got behind the gate I stared at the electric box. 

"Fuck, what was the rune?" I pulled my phone out calling Jace.

"What?" Jace asked.

"I forgot the rune," I admitted.

"Lena!" He snapped. "It's like a cursive l with marks at the bottom and a swish at the top."

"That was so not helpful, hold on," I groaned. I could hear him saying something else to me, but I closed my eyes. I could remember they'd shown me before I came in. I drew on the box adding the little flourish at the top. The lights went out. 

"Got it never mind."

"Alec and Isabelle are outside for backup," Jace said.

"What do you mean?" I snapped. "You were supposed to leave them out of this." There were loud voices as people passed by the room.

"Just shut up and go," Jace hung up. 

I slid my phone into my pocket and walked out. A policeman came around the corner making me quickly scan my rune as I ducked back. I watched him come around the corner except he was staring right at me. 

Til The Bitter End | Alec LightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now