Chapter 11 - Towards the Depths

Start from the beginning

It would be a lovely sight if she wasn't covered in yellow blood, come to think of it, I can't judge, after all, I am too.

"Yyyou did a good jjjob!" I said, stroking the Girl's head.

She smiled upon receiving the compliment.

"WOOF!" Moonless barked; approaching us.

The wolf sat in front of us, waving its tail.

"Yyyou did a good jjjob too, Moonlesss!" I said, stroking the wolf's head.


Looking to the side, I saw the girl crossing her arms, looking away.

"Oh! Arrre yyyou jealousss? Don't think I forrrgot about yyyou!" I said, petting the girl again.

So I alternated between Moonless and her.

I stopped as I heard heavy metallic footsteps approaching. It was Iron Shakespeare, his armor covered in scratches but intact.

"Yyyou don't wannnt a head pat tooo, doo yyyou?" I asked the knight, but there was no answer.

Laughing at my question, I took the soul stone out of my pocket and pointed it at the Cave Mother; a small light came out of the monster's body and entered the stone, causing it to glow.

Cave Mother's soul increases attack. But what should I do with it? Give it to the Girl? No, I don't want her to fight every monster she sees and the Girl isn't very strong, I doubt the increase will be significant. Moonless? No, I don't have anything to attach the stone to her body.

Maybe I can use it on myself? Nothing is saying I can't use the power of two souls. Or maybe... I looked at Iron Shakespeare.

Approaching the Undead knight, I stood on tiptoe and opened the front of his helmet, I flinched when I saw the empty eyes staring at me, but ignoring that, I placed the soul stone on Iron Shakespeare's helmet and quickly closed it.

Taking a few steps back, a flash of blue light surrounded Iron Shakespeare's body before quickly disappearing.

I think the soul stone took effect. If I'm going to give a soul stone to the girl, I think the best ones would be from the Black Witch, White Angel, or Salmonsnake.

With that solved, we returned the way we came, but I couldn't help but ask Kitab a question.

"Heyyy, Kitab, whyyy haven't I gottten anyyy new ssspellsss? The cccave motherrr wasss a bosss."

"Yes, but the fight was too easy, the Old Ones determined it wasn't impressive enough to merit a reward."

"Damn it!"

"I share your frustration; I would love to acquire new knowledge for my pages."

Unfortunately, our little conversation was interrupted by the appearance of a man wearing a cat mask on our path.

"Hello! A great show you did back there! I felt my whiskers standing up with excitement! A round of applause for you!" Pocketcat spoke excitedly, clapping his hands.

I frowned at that statement, so he was watching us. Damn it! One of the people I didn't want to meet.

"Let'sss go!" I said to my group, ignoring Pocketcat's words.

But before we could turn the corner toward the mines' entrance, Pocketcat took a long step to the side, placing himself in front of me.

At that moment I realized how tall he was, according to the fairy tale books, Pocketcat was extremely tall, I just didn't expect it to be that much, since as soon as he stopped in front of me, I found myself staring at his chest.

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