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-What is this you're listening to?
-(bends down)
"I'm wearing headphones so you can't hear, I can take them off if you want to listen."
"Do you like it?"
"I wonder if you don't like the genre, let's try something else."
"(switches between several songs)"
"Oh, this?"
-Yes, it sounds relaxing.
"So you like the sound of the piano, hmm."
-I guess so.

"It's not the same here, do you feel the same?"
-That's true, the places we pass are changing.
"I've seen a lot, but I can't remember most of it."
-It doesn't matter, we can go back whenever you want.
"Yes, but..."
"There are things I've forgotten, things that are precious to me; I can't recall them in my mind, no matter how hard I try..."
-Come with me.
(brings a mirror)
-Look in the mirror, what do you see?
"What I've experienced here, everything that makes me feel good."
"Wait, why didn't I see my reflection!"
-It only shows you what you need.
"Why don't I see you, you were with me the whole time I was here..?"
"Answer me!"
-I can't see you because I can't enter your mind, it's no big deal.
"Is this place a figment of my imagination?"
-It's not that simple, what you see, what you experience and what you feel here includes what is in between reality and your mind.
"I don't understand!"
-No need to be afraid, calm down.
"Why haven't I encountered anything bad here, like my fears or traumas?"
-I won't let that happen.
"So you kept it from me all this time?!"
-Knowing wouldn't have changed anything, you could have gotten hurt.
"No! Don't lie to me-"

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