Dumpling and Potato Kingdom

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"Aren't you sleeping?"
-I don't need to.
"Can't you at least try? It's weird to feel you looking at me when I'm asleep."
-That's right, I'm looking at you.
"Yes, I know, you don't have to repeat it."
-How can I sleep?
"I think listening to bedtime stories can make you sleepy, don't you think?"
"I think we should choose a topic."
-You can tell whatever you want.
"Then I'll tell you about the battle between the dumpling kingdom and the potato kingdom."
"Are you laughing?"
-No, no, of course I'm not laughing...
"Well... one day there was a dumpling kingdom and a potato kingdom, the dumpling kingdom was ruled by the dumpling king and the potato kingdom was ruled by the potato queen...
"Are you listening to me?!"
-Yes, of course.
"The dumpling king didn't know about the cruelty and torture the dumplings inflicted on the potatoes centuries ago, the dumplings used the potatoes for their experiments to create new types of dumplings, besides the potatoes have a very fast growing form and they decided to use it.
-Did the dumpling king and the potato queen know each other?
"As far as they heard, yes, but they never met in person. One day one of the potatoes convinced a group of potatoes to take revenge and infiltrated the dumpling kingdom, a few of the dumplings were suspicious but they didn't want to report it because they didn't think there would be a war.
-When I suspect someone, I ignore them.
"This can have bad consequences, as it is about to happen; the assassin potatoes said they were here to meet the dumpling king, accompanied by the dumplings in charge, they appeared before the king and took out their unprepared dumpling weapons, ordered by the potato queen, and pointed them at the king."
-The dumplings were defenseless?
"Yes, because they didn't know about the war, the dumpling king asked what was going on but got no answer, one of the potatoes got angry and started yelling at the king:
The king was very surprised and approached the potatoes, the officials were surprised but the king was determined not to back down, the potatoes tried to hide their surprise, the king smiled and asked if they wanted to talk:
-There is a misunderstanding here, dear potatoes, neither I nor my people are your enemies, please try to solve your problem by talking.
The potatoes looked at the officials, the officials withdrew at the king's command and the king went into the interview room with the potatoes:
-I am listening to you, dear potatoes.
The potatoes told everything they knew and planned, the king was astonished by what he heard and quickly requested an audience with the queen. After two days, the request reached the queen, who could not object to this sweetly worded request and accepted it, and the dumpling king and the potato queen made a speech on a dais in front of their people."
-The dumpling king was really respectful.
"Yes, he was, and so he took the first step towards peace between his people and the potatoes."
-What was the second step?
"He proposed to the potato queen."
-I didn't expect that.
"Sweet, isn't it?"
-Yes, it is.
"At the end of it all, the dumplings and the potatoes settled down to a life of peace and mutual support, happy ending."
-Thank you.
"This is the first time you've thanked me and in this case I should say you're welcome, but did listening to the story make you sleepy?"
"Oh, so it did..."
-It's okay, I can pretend to be asleep like you did, that way it will work, right?
"Just thinking about it is enough." (smiles)
-I guess I should wish you a good night's sleep.
"Yes, sleep well."

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