11 | Heaven Knows

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The next morning was eventful.

There was no school that next morning, although it was a Tuesday. Why?

The local church was burned down.

Max isn't at all a christian, but if he told you wasn't worried, he'd be lying.

Him and Neil sat next to eachother at the breakfast table, drinking their respective coffee. Both sat in silence for about 30 minutes.

The news headlines read for all of Mersline county to stay indoors and contact police should they see anything shady.

In the TAP group chat, a message from Dolph said something about a crude message left on the toasted sidewalk infront of the church. Dolph claimed it says 'GOD IS NOT YOUR SAVIOR.'

After hearing they were meant to stay indoors, Neil immediately checked every single supply in the house. All of it. He says "just to be sure." Max calls bullshit.

Max decides to take advantage of the daily quarentine and sits down to binge any random show that he pleases.

He still isn't satisfied.

"Neil!" He shouts. "Wanna call the whoresquad? I'm bored."

Neil huffs on his glasses and cleans them before sighing. "You have your own phone, Max."

"Fine, asshat! I'll call them myself." Max replies agrily. Neil refills his coffee cup and sits on the armrest of the chair Max is sitting on.

Max doesn't ask if they want to call, but instead joins a current one. Bastards meet without them. Probably deserved.

The call consists of Ered, Nerris, Preston, Nurf, Dolph, and Nikki. Nerris isn't accompanied by Harrison.

"What up, fuckers?" Max announces rather loudly.

"Shut the fuck up, Harrison's sleeping still." Nerris shushes the guy before looking off to their left. "He's the lightest sleeper in the world." Max could swear he heard them mumble something along the lines of 'thanks to his parents..' but he doesn't comment.

"Cut to the chase. Dolph, does it actually say that??" Neil questions, leaning over and draping his arm over the back of the chair.

"He showed us, dude." Ered's painfully monotone, unbothered voice cuts in.

Max interrups. "Shut up, Extreme Sports Barbie." Neil hits him lightly on the shoulder.

Through the mic they hear Dolph walking to presumably a window or a door, and then his camera turns. Surely enough, there on the sidewalk, in front of the burned down church, in bright purple spraypaint says 'GOD IS NOT YOUR SAVIOR.' with a crossed-out crucifix right next to it.

"Oh damn." Neil sighs. "That's not good."

Max has a bit of a revelation. "Nerris! Ask Harrison if he's seen anything. Isn't Raveport a cult dude? He's got to know something."

Nerris frowned. "He's not an object, Max. Yesterday wore him down a lot. He's not going to do it."

Through Nerris' mic, the group hears a door open. It's Harrison with a worn (and loved) black hoodie. "What do you need, Max?" He asks.

"Can you do that- that vision thing on conmand? Like, force yourself?" Max blurts.

"Yes." Harrison pinched his temples and sighed. "Do you need me to?"

Preston looked at his lens worriedly. "Harry-"

"I'll do it. I don't care."

"Harrison!" Nerris snaps.

"I'll do it! I needed a shower anyways. I'll be back in the next hour." Nerris huffs as they watch him leave.

"Yeah. I'm going to go. Bye guys." Nerris signs off. Preston follows not long after. Eventually, everybody leaves the call and Max turns his phone off.

"Having a psychic isn't an immediate answer, Max." Neil grumbles something quietly. "I didn't even think psychics existed.." he sighs, then he goes to his room.

Max walked over to the kitchen sink and splashed his face with cold water to wake himself up. Max looked out the window to see the old Guzman house across the street. The one where Ravenport lived.

Chills ran up his spine. He put his hood up and shuffled to his room. Why did the world just have to end like this?

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