10 | One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

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Harrison's skin tickled as he uttered those words. Why, oh my god, why did he say that??

Neil put a hand on his hip and look at him intently. "What?" He says sassily, dissatisfaction apperent in his eyes.

"I thought this would be important. It's in... uh... it goes with this stuff. I've been having.." He stops, swallows, and looks at Nerris.

They widen their eyes at him. "..Harry?"

"I've been having visions. Even hearing about Ravenport made me worried. I knew things that hadn't happened yet. And I don't know why. I still don't."

"What do you mean, Haz..?" Preston says, crossing his arms quizzically.

"You're a psychic??" Junior exclaims, grabbing Harrison by the forearm excitedly.

"It's been going on a while," Nerris finishes. Harrison mouths a thank you.

"Something was wrong with history. Since like, last weekend. I thought I should tell you.. because something's going to happen to the club." Harrison swallows shakily, and Junior goes from hugging only his forearm to completely hugging him.

"I... we're- we're going to be sacrificed. It's a cult. We're going to be the offerings." He states boldly.

"Oh, fuck that noise!" Max shouts, following by various disgruntled noises. Including a 'oh mY GOD!!', 'I fucking hate this town', and a 'highschoolers??? Why??'

"Preston. You didn't say anything about Mr. Rosenthal being here tonight, right..?" Harrison queries, albeit timidly.

"Yeah.. I didn't see him.." the boy responds.

"Good. Then it's not tonight." He calms almost immediately. "Atleast I hope.." he mumbles.

Harrison looks at the others before he inhales, walking towards the old building by himself.

Max and Neil share glances. Preston and Nerris do too, before following. Dolph, Junior, and Nurf look around awkwardly.

Junior follows and clasps onto Harrison's arm like a child, smiking innocently. "Can you read minds, Haz?" Junior asks, trying to keep the mood upbeat.

"I-" Harrison coughs in response. "Sometimes. When it's too quiet. It's complicated. I don't want to talk about it, sorry."

"That.. that's okay." Junior chuckles lightheartedly. Harrison feels him snuggle the slightest bit closer as him and Junior entwine their fingers.

The rest of the gang follows the initial four not long after.

"Pres?" Nerris piques. "Did any of them say a specific building?"

"I..." Preston pauses, thinking. "No, sorry."

"That's okay."

"Maybe we should split up!" Dolph exclaims, pulling his purple hood over his head.

"Absolutely not, fuckwad." Nurf replies hastily. "That's what gets people killed in horror movies. I hate you guys, but like, don't die."

"Thank you, Nurf." Neil rolls his eyes in sarcasm, the faintest smile on his face.

"Do we- fan out? Like, stay in the sight of others, kinda?" Junior lets go of Harrison's arm and puts his hands in his coat pockets. He must be cold.

"Maybe? I don't imagine that's much diff-" Nerris is cut off by an eerie sound of footsteps.

"You guys heard that, right..?" Preston asks, crossing his arms nervously.

"No duh, dumbass." Max sighs quietly. He blinks. Max pulls his scarf around his neck a bit tighter.

"What if it's them-"

"Kids?" The clear and bold voice of Mr. Rosenthal rings through the walkway. He has a flashlight in hand, and he looks mildly disturbed. "What in the world are you doing here? Go home, you'll freeze!"

"But-" Dolph starts.

"No buts, kids. Go home. Please," Rosenthal seems to plead. He looks desperate.

Awkwardly, the group shuffles past their redhead teacher, each with a mildly different feeling coursing through their bones.

Once back in the parking lot, Harrison and Nerris exchange hugs with Preston and wish him a goodnight before he leaves.

Harrison, Nerris, Nurf, Dolph, Junior, Neil, and Max stay in the parking lot a moment longer.

"He knows something. He's got to!" Max huffs. He grumbles something under his breath. "Neil, we're leaving. TTYL." The two makes their course for home. Junior follows behind meekly.

The remaining four pile into Nurf's truck, each a different version of quiet.

Harrison looks out the window, watching clumps of snowflakes fall to the ground.

When Nurf drops them off, it all seems like a blur.

Though Harrison engages in many conversations the rest of the night, he doesn't say a single word. He doesn't feel like he can.

Even when Harrison curls into his blankets to rest, his stomach is at unease. He feels something breaking in him, but he doesn't know why.

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