02 | A Feeling

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Harrison Hershkowitz wasn't unfamilar with premonitions. Atleast, that's what he called them.

He'd only recently told his adopted family, the Sagehorns, about them. He'd told his sibling, Nerris, about them.

He'd known about his birth parent's plans to move from Israel to America before even they did. He knew what street the Sagehorns lived on before he met them.

Sometimes his premonitions were visions. Sometimes a thought. Sometimes he'd know from the way his hair stood up on his neck.

This one, however, was probably going to be dark. His most recent premonition was a strange feeling. One that had been so bad, it'd given him a panic attack just moments prior.

His hair stood up when he thought about school. History class, in particular.

Why History class, though? Mrs. Kramer was the sweetest. Why would there be a new student at the end of November?

He ran his fingers through his damp hair as he waited for Nerris to get out of the shower.

Sometimes he'd be okay wallowing in these kinds of thoughts.. but these ones were sinister. He felt foul at the thought of bottling this up.

The family's cat tuxedo cat, Ramona, jumped onto Harrison's bed and pressed herself against him, purring loudly.

Harrison scratched Ramona on the head as he heard the bathroom door close.

He picked up the cat and stopped outside his room. "Nerris?" He asked.

"Yeah, Harry?" They tried to scratch the water out of their hair.. out whatever they were doing.

"Can I.. talk to you?" He fixed how he held Ramona. "It's- about them."

Nerris understood almost immediately. "Them? The.. premonitions? Alright, want to talk with mom and dad?"

"Just you." Ramona meowed in Harrison's ear. "And Ramona, I guess." They two shared a minor chuckle.

Harrison dropped Ramona into Nerris' arms, opening his door and plopping down onto his bed with Nerris in tow.

"So.. what was this about?" Nerris set their hand on Harrison's.

The israeli boy sighed. "This one was different from the others. Remember when I spoke about me knowing what street you lived on? My birth family's immigration?" Harrison looked Nerris in their eyebrows, avoiding their eyes which felt like the sun.

"Yes..?" Nerris looked worriedly at him.

"This one was bad. It has to do with something– something about history? I don't— I don't know!" His breath begins to labour and his eyes screw shut.

"Ohh, Harry.. come here." Nerris gives in and hugs Harrison. Minutes go by, and Harrison begins to calm down.

They hold Harrison's in their own. "Alright. How long have you been thinking about this?"

Harrison swallowed. "Remember when Neil mentioned what happened at Frenchsand? It started then. It wasn't– as – bad, as it just was, but.."

The pair's phones dinged in unison.

Our new across-the-street neighbor's a total weirdo. Watch out dudes

Wdym total weirdo

Like uhhh 6'3" tall blonde and ONLY and I repeat ONLY wears white

AND right after the Frenchsand mass-suicide thing? Am i the only one freaked?

"Well.. uh, that's not good- Harrison? This giving you anything?" Nerris shows the messages to Harrison.

He just continued to stare at the phone. "Not much.." he replied. "A photo would've been better though. It's giving me.. goosebumps?"

A knock is heard from the door, which makes Nerris and Harrison jump. "Harrison? Is Nerris in there with you? It's breakfast time!" Their mother, Sonya, called.

"Yeah I'm in here, ma! We're coming." Nerris said.

Nerris held Harrison's hand and the two jogged down the stairs.

Harrison looked at their father, Leslie, who seemed to be struggling to turn off the stove. But, all of a sudden it turned off. Harrison shudders and sits down at the table.

"Hey, uhm- mom, dad, can I talk to you about something?" The boy asks.

"Sure, dear," Sonya smiled. Leslie folded hid hands onto the table.

"It was a premonition. A bad one."

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