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-Go inside.
"Why are you doing this?!"
-Me? You're doing this to yourself.
"You're right, what will I find inside?"
-Don't you want to know where the blood on your hands came from?
"I'm not sure."
-You're a coward, go in and see for yourself.
"Where are you going? Don't leave me alone please, I don't want you to go, come back please!"

"What kind of spirit can make me feel good, I mean he's not even real, m-maybe he's all I need, I don't need to see these things... having him with me is enough to make me feel good!"
-Why are you talking to yourself?
"You're here, I thought you left."
-I can't leave unless you want me to.
"Then why didn't I see you?
-You didn't want to see me.
"That's not true, I said I needed you!"
-To me or to someone other than yourself?
-Are you afraid of being alone?
-Why are you afraid of what you'll find when you open the door?
"Because I don't know what's in there.."
-You know you'll face your reality.
"I don't understand what you're saying. Is it me I should be afraid of?"
-That's what you want to hear? -No way, you're not that stupid.
"I feel that way."
-Just open the door.
"Fine, I'll open it."

"There's nothing here."
-You look surprised.
"I thought I'd be scared."
-Could it be as frightening as an emotionless, unfeeling soul?
"I don't see you like that."
-You don't even know what I am.
"It's enough that I see you the way I want to."
-For the moment, yes.
"Did the blood on my hands come from this empty room?"
-What do you see in an empty room?
"Nothing, just an empty room, right?"
-Can you go in there?
"I'm not sure about that, I don't know what will happen when I go in."
-I'll go ahead, wait here.
-Come here.

-Did you see? Nothing happened.
"You're right, but what caused the blood?"
-You killed someone, someone here.
"That's not possible, the room is completely empty and I know I didn't do that."
-Not all killing is physical, you told me that.
"Is it...?"
-There's no point in standing here, clean your hands, this way.

"Who is this person or persons you speak of?"
-Unfortunately I'm not sure about that either, they must be dead because they are insignificant people.
"You can't talk about people like that, and I didn't kill anyone."
-I can say what I want, you know it doesn't affect me.
"You're starting to get on my nerves."
-I don't care.
"Anyway, is there any way we can find information about these people?"
-You already know them all.
"Didn't I just tell you I don't know them!"
-I know everything about you and that you know them.

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