Chapter 1: The move

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*picture was ai generated and you can imagine y/n looking differently! This is just a very very basic idea of what Ice na'vi looks like , that I will build on later!*

Jake Sully had just announced to his kids that they would be leaving the forest they grew up in and moving away from the Omatikaya clan. "We will be journeying south and seeking uturu among an ice Clan. The Fyao aymokri clan." He said.( "Fyao aymokri" meaning ice walker) The family set off southwards the next morning with all of them a little broken up about leaving their homes.

Neytiri was a little unsure about going to the Fyao aymokri clan, as she had heard of the harsh conditions they lived in , blizzards and hail storms with 6 month winter darkness. Needless to say , for a family used to living in a humid, warm rainforest , adapting to a blisteringly cold winter land where the sun doesn't shine for half the year would be hard. But they had nowhere else to turn. They could only hope the ice clan would be willing to provide them shelter, warm clothes and teach the family their ways. They knew it was currently summer in the icy lands which should, when they finally arrived mean they would have more time to adapt and , of course that they would be able to land in the village instead of having to fly through a blizzard on their thin forest clothes.

It would not be long before they arrived their and everyone was anxious, thinking similar thoughts: ' what would it be like? Would they be allowed to stay? What was going to happen to them?'

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