Start from the beginning

Life was cruel, wasn't it?

She was a savior to no one. And now as she watched her one and only daughter prepare to fight other children to the death, and enjoy it, she couldn't figure out how she had allowed her life to go so wrong.

The beautiful blue dress she was now helping her daughter button had been made by her a long time ago. A time when she could still do the things she enjoyed, making clothes for the people in her district. Being the source of joy for some young child when they tried on their favorite dress that they would wear for years to come. But Julias decided that Bellatrix should remain in District Two with him. That she should listen to him because of his position. That she should know where she belongs. 

Blaze did not look at her through the mirror that they stood in front of. Her daughter never spoke to her anymore, not since she began her training and her husband had expanded his abuse. She did not blame her. Things were hard enough in two. The expectations were high, and the competition was stiff. It turned people into the worst versions of themselves. Bellatrix included.

She spun Blaze to face her, a smile on her lips as she ran her fingers through her daughter's dark curls and then down the puffed sleeves of her dress. She had always thought Blaze was a copy of herself. She was stunning, with tanned skin and big brown eyes that seemed to stare straight into your soul. She was a sight to witness, much like Bellatrix was at her age.

"You look so beautiful darling." She would not say she was proud of her, despite knowing that one of the things her daughter craved the most was the approval of her father despite the terrible person he was to the both of them. Bellatrix would never be a fan of the games. But there was no way she could show her displeasure without her facing the consequences. So she sat in silence. She knew it was wrong but she did anyway.

Blaze did not thank her. Did not even acknowledge the compliment except for the nod of her head. "I have to meet Ryker now. He wants to make sure we walk in together. Unity and all that."

Bellatrix nodded and gently caressed her daughter's cheek , soaking in the moment because she knew, in the worst case scenario, that this might be the last time she ever touched her. A tear slipped down her cheek as Blaze slipped out of her grasp and left her room quietly. The front door creaked open softly before it slammed shut, taking the love of Bellatrix's life with it. 


The main square of district two was bustling with activity as people filtered in for the reaping. There was never fear in the air here. Blaze could not recall a time when there was anything other than excitement.

She felt Ryker's sweaty hand squeezing hers. She offered him a reassuring squeeze and a comforting smile, thinking that perhaps he was anxious about standing in front of so many people. He returned it but there was something akin to grief behind his eyes.

Blaze let go of Ryker's hand as they both went to their respective sides. She could see the mentors in their spot beside the stage. District two had only produced ten winners so far. There have obviously been more, the majority of the Hunger Games victors being from One,Two , or Four but most of the others had already reached old age and passed away.

Blaze's gaze strayed over Enobaria, who was grinning and nodding her head to something one of the other females beside her said. She had won 6 years prior, ripping out her enemies throat with her teeth in the final two. Her teeth were now permanently filed into fangs to remind everyone of her victory. Blaze thought it was a little over the top, but she respected the woman nevertheless.

The loud sound of heels clicking caused Blaze's attention to focus back on the giant stage that preceded the justice building. A tall woman with short black hair and a feathery orange dress hurried up to the microphone and gave the instrument a few taps before letting out a squeaky giggle that matched the sound that emitted. Hestia had been district two's escort for roughly five years now and she never appeared any less insane every time she spoke at a reaping. She had a habit of dressing in the most bizarre ways, her personal style being refined specifically to animal coats.

It seemed today she chose some kind of bird and her make up was a ghastly combination of orange and blue splotches to match the whole persona she was trying to sell. She could hear giggles from her peers around her at the ridiculous woman.

Soon the reaping began and the mandatory capitol video was played for everyone. Blaze picked at the rough skin of her palm as she waited for the actual important stuff to begin. All she wanted to do was get on the stupid train and take a nap before she had to prepare herself to be in front of all the Capitol citizens.

"Now the time has come for us to pick one strong and brave young man and woman to bring honor to district two once again in the Sixty-Eighth Annual Hunger Games!" Her high pitched voice rang above the crowd.

Most people in the square cheered, excited for another year of talented tributes to be chosen. No one knew who would be volunteering before it actually happened, as it was mandatory to keep the winners of evaluations a secret to create some kind of suspense. However everyone already knew who the top prospects were and were simply waiting to see if their suspicions were true as to who showed up and impressed.

"As usual, ladies first." Hestia pranced over to the bowl that held the names of all of the eligible girls in the district. The silence that engulfed the square was deafening as she plucked a paper from the bowl. She hobbled back over to the mic and before she could even unfold the paper Blaze's hand was shooting in the air.

"I volunteer!" She stepped out into the aisle and confidently made her way to the stage, some people patting her on the back and sending her encouraging smiles already knowing which family she came from and how good she was.

"It looks like we have a volunteer. What's your name darling?"

Blaze snatched the microphone from Hestia's hand and smiled at the crowd. "Blaze Bancroft." She caught the eye of her mother who was standing at the back of the crowd and hiding her mouth behind her hand and then moved her eyes to the rest of the crowd. Applause was all she heard as she handed the escort back her mic and clasped her hands behind her back.

"And now for the boys." Hestia walked over to the glass bowl to the right of the stage and plucked out a random slip of paper. Coming to stand next to Blaze she unfolded the slip, seeming to hesitate as if she was expecting another volunteer before she could read the name. However no voice was heard and Blaze whipped her head in Ryker's direction, a slight question dancing behind her eyes.

Ryker was not looking at her but instead behind him to where Mason was standing. She couldn't see what Ryker was supposedly saying but she knew he had said something important because Mason gave him a small smile and mouthed something back. Then Ryker turned and raised his hand. "I volunteer."

Hestia clapped her hands in glee and waved her hand wildly in his direction. "Come up! Come up here you charming young man."

Ryker calmly made his way to the stage flanked by guards and joined Blaze holding her hand in his. "And what's your name, you handsome thing?"

"Ryker." Hestia smiled at him while keeping her eyes on the crowd and whispered in his ear. He looked her in the eye with a deadpan expression. "Just Ryker."

Hestia gulped and then laughed again as Blaze squeezed Ryker's hand and then raised it in the air.

"There you have it! Your district two tributes, Blaze Bancroft and Ryker um Ryker! Happy Hunger Games and may the odds be ever in your favor."

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