Paimon: "First time in a long time"? So you mean, you've gone out to dinner with her in the past?

Clorinde: In the past, yes.

Soulas: For me, I only had dinner with her for about a few years. Never had the time to know more about her.

Paimon: Oh..

Clorinde: You seem to be enjoying yourselves here.

Aether response in his question

Aether: It's all thanks to Neuvillette.

Clorinde: Things will be getting messy in the Fortress soon. Don't run around unnecessarily.

Soulas: We should be getting to our room soon. See you guys.

Aether and Paimon waved at them before getting to their own bunkers

Paimon: See you!

Both of them left to their rooms before going to sleep. While Clorinde is about to sleep, she looked at Soulas for a while.

Clorinde: You're not sleeping?

Soulas: I don't feel like sleeping. I might just go outside for a while to keep an eye out for anything suspicious.

Clorinde walked up to him.

Clorinde: There's no need to be suspicious. And you're eyes are getting a bit tired.

Soulas could tell that his eyes are a bit sleepy. He wants to hide it but, it will be impossible when Clorinde's here.

Soulas: Well I'm fine..

Clorinde just glared at him.

Clorinde: You can't hide it from me.

Soulas just sighed as he was giving up.

Soulas: Okay, you're right. We should get some sleep.

Clorinde: How about sleep with me?

Soulas was surprised when Clorinde mentioned that she wants to sleep with him. They both blushed for a few minutes before she spoke.

Clorinde: If you don't want to then I understand-

Soulas spoke up instead.

Soulas: I don't mind. I never tried this before.

Clorinde share some spaces with him as they both on the same bed even though its a bit uncomfortable.

Clorinde closed her eyes as she sleep closed to him making him blush hardly. He patted her head for a few minutes.  She smiled as she knew he would petted her head for a while. After that, they've both fell asleep.

Next morning.

Clorinde woke up and stand beside Soulas as the alarm has gone off inside the Fortress. That makes Soulas woke up as well.

Soulas: What the?!

Clorinde: Soulas, its happening. Go and evacuate the people to get away from the outward layers. When you're done meet me and Wriothesley inside the Forbidden Zone.

Soulas: Got it.

They both sit up to settle things as Soulas warned the people of the Fortress to evacuate to the safer place. He evacuated all of the people from the danger layers, he went down to the fotrbidden zone where Clorinde and Wriothesley stood there.

Clroinde: Have you evacuated the people?

Soulas: Yeah.

Wriothesley: Good. Looks like we bought ourselves some time.

The True Meaning Of Justice (Clorinde x OC)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora