Chapter 1

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The table was laid as it usually was. Father sat at the head, mother at the other end and me between the two. The table faced a large floor-to-ceiling window that displayed the house gardens. A flourish of purples, pinks, yellows and greens painted the landscape; the essence of spring exhibited in an array of flowers, shrubs and trees. The Majic within me thrummed, begging me to let some out. Not here I commanded it, twisting the iron ring on my finger.
"Last night was quite the do." My mother said, breaking the silence, "Don't you agree Lena?"
In all honesty, I had hated the ball. The whole event just felt predatory. The men leering whilst the freshly-turned-women of the social season took turns of the room. The ridiculous dresses and hairstyles, the falseness in their lilted voices. All of it was a direct affront to who I am.
"It was... something." I replied, not exactly a lie.
"And did you find there to be any suitors?" My father asked.
Of course that would be his only question. His only concern. My Majic twinged at my fingertips as a silent rage filled my mind. I flexed my fingers and willed myself to calm down. Not now I silently told my Majic. My hand began emitting a pale purple light. I shoved it into the pocket of my dressing gown. Please, not now I begged my Majic. It thrummed harder, beating as a heart does.
A gasp escaped my mother and for a moment, I was worried she had seen what was happening but as I followed her gaze, I found her to be staring at a pillar of red light emitting in the distance.
"That's the Hjern house!" My father exclaimed, pushing himself out of his seat and approaching the window.
The horror on my mothers face implored me to ask the question I was afraid to ask, "What is it?"
My father, his eyes intent on the beam in the distance replied, "Maji" disgust and hate coating the word.
I felt sick. Purple tendrils of Majic fell from my dressing gown pockets as I fisted my hands. Without a word, I left the room.


I paced back and forth in my room, weighing up my options. The Majic within me flowed from my hands and pooled at my feet, begging to be expended. With a sigh, I removed the iron band from my finger, letting the Majic reach it's full capacity. Perhaps I just needed to let it breathe a little. So often had it nearly overcome me and required a little bit of freedom. I suppose that's why I only needed a small band on my finger instead of the iron shackles that circled the wrists of the Maji slaves. My Majic shone brighter as I willed it to bring me a book from the bookcase. As the Majic curled itself around the book, I waited patiently, hand out, for it to be pressed into my grasp. Suddenly, the book flew towards my head. I let out a small yelp as I ducked, barely missing it as the book hit the wall behind me.
"Hey!" I exclaimed to my Majic as it sauntered back to me, a true arrogance in its gape.
As the separated Majic re-joined the rest, it began to thrum.
"What now?" I asked, trying to reconnect it with my essence – which, to my dismay, it ignored.
The Majic, as a collective, leapt away from me.
"What are you doing?" I asked it, trying to bundle it together as if it were a blanket.
Ignoring me, the Majic began taking shape. Some pellucid feet began to take form, then some legs, a muscled torso then strong arms, a neck and then finally, although it was strange to admit, a very attractive face. Like me, and everyone else from the continent, this creature had long pointed ears. It's face was angular, and haughty with it's chin held high in a way that reeked of condescension.
"Uh..." I began, surveying the creature. I was completely lost for words; unsure of how to even start a conversation with it.
It was still a translucent shade of purple and gave a glow to my bedroom.
It coughed lightly as if trying out its new vocal cords. It opened its mouth, revealing a normal set of teeth with pointed fangs, closed it again and then opened it again, "Hello." It spoke. Its accent was from nowhere and everywhere. It sounded elegant and beautiful. It was awful and magnificent.
I tried to reach my Majic. Tried to will it to do something.
"You could just ask, you know." Quipped the creature.
I reached out a hand to touch the ethereal man. He made no objection as my fingers traced hard abs. I could feel my cheeks heating as I met his impassive gaze.
"You flatter me." He purred, removing my hand from his stomach.
My arms snapped to my side in embarrassment, "What are you?" I asked, surveying him from head to toe.
The man tilted his head slightly, regarding me as I was regarding him.
"I am your Majic and more," He confessed, "I am new and old."
I heard faint footsteps approaching my door before a knock echoed from the other side of it, "Lena?" My mother asked after me, "Are you in here?"
I frantically began looking for hiding places, needing this creature to disappear. As if hearing my pleading thoughts, the creature popped out of existence.
My door swung open. In the doorway stood my mother.
"Your father was worried he'd frightened you." She told me, crossing her arms over her chest, "Are you frightened?" She asked, stepping into the room.
I considered my answer for a moment. Was I frightened? Mostly, I was confused, interested and curious. I doubted my mother would appreciate any of those responses so instead I replied, "I hope everyone is okay." More of a question than a statement.
My mothers face turned cheerless, as she walked over to my bed and placed a hand on one of bedposts.
"I love it here," She replied, "All the memories we have." She traced the grooves of the wood with her fingers, distant.
I placed an arm around her waist and rested my head on her shoulder, "As long as we're together." I smiled into her hair. It was almost comical that I stood a foot taller than her.
When she didn't reply, I stepped into her view. I was met with the expression of a broken woman. Tears rolling freely down her cheeks. She placed a kiss onto my forehead, "I will inform you of any news we receive." Was all she said before leaving the room, shutting the door behind her. As the door clicked into place, the figure reappeared leaning against the doorframe. With a yelp, I leaped away from him.
"She is pretty." He commented to himself.
"Don't do that!" I hissed, crossing my arms over my chest.
He regarded me with little to no care as he picked at his nails, making an obvious show of being unbothered, before walking over and leaning back onto my chaise longue. The sun shining through the window danced on his stomach, casting shadows over his abs. I pulled my eyes to his face to see that he grinning, noticing as my eyes danced over his body.
Heat rushed to my face, "Can you put some clothes on?" I bit out.
With a flick of his finger, he was dressed. He wore a loose-fitting cotton shirt and canvas trousers. His feet remained bare.
"Is that better?" He asked.
I nodded, "What about the... glow?"
He flicked his finger again. His body changed from translucent purple to slightly iridescent pearl. He still looked godly  but if that was the best he could do...
I was acutely aware of the amount of crap I had left around the room. With a swift movement, I kicked some undergarments under my bed then I swung myself on top of the duvets. I regarded him again. He regarded me.
"What do I call you?" I asked him, propping myself against my headboard. I scrapped my hair back into a ponytail, noticing how the colour of it matched his eyes. Odd.
He thought on the question for only a moment, "Majic." He replied.
"But that isn't a name." I told him.
He leaned up from his laying position, "What would you like to call me?" He asked.
I shrugged, "It doesn't matter to me."
In once swift motion, the man, the creature, whatever he was, leapt onto my bed. I leaned back further as he arced over me. Our noses barely a couple of inches apart. 
"Lena." He whispered, seemingly tasting the words like you'd taste a wine. I blinked in response, unsure of what to do. I had never been this physically close to someone. Ever. Unless you counted my mother - which I wouldn't like to. 
His breath smelt like peppermints but he smelt old. Not necessarily in a bad way. He smelt like the pages of a book, cinnamon and ginger and oud. He smelt like all my favourite scents. I inhaled deeply. It was intoxicating. 
In one swift movement, he was standing next to the bed. He looked uncomfortable.
"I'm sorry." I said immediately, "It wasn't my intention to make you uncomfortable."
He half smiled, "It's not you." He sighed, running his hand through his hair, "I... we need to leave." 
That took me by surprise.
"Do you know anything about what happened?" I questioned him, pushing myself off of the bed.
Even at my height, he still towered over me. I met his eyes, the ones that matched the colour of my hair.
"I felt it," He answered, casting a hand over his heart, "as you did. This occurrence is very unique. Before Maji are assigned a Maji wielder, we exist in a different plane of existence and when our Maji wielders die, we return. Whatever happened earlier caused a rift in Majic. Though it does not explain why you and I are cast apart physically." 
I blinked cluelessly, suddenly feeling very young. "Physically?" Was all I managed to get out.
He nodded, "You are still able to command me. If you ask me to disappear, I will disappear. If you ask me to fetch you something, I will bring it back to you. Just now, I have my own physical form and can talk to you."
I considered this for a moment, "So, like a genie?" 
He frowned then smiled, "Funny." He admitted.
I didn't tell him that I was being wholly serious. 
His face returned to its placid expression as he said, "I need you to leave with me. Tonight."
I bit back a laugh, "I've only just met you."
"I have known you your whole life," He attested, "as you have known me." 
The first memory I have of my Majic, I was so small. I had been playing in the gardens. The flowerbeds had been turned for the season and I had tripped over a mound and scraped my knees. I remember crying and being so unbelievably upset. Emotions flowed out of me. I looked down at my knees and the skin started stitching itself together, I was healing. When my mother reached me, she was confused as to why I had been crying so hard. 
"I remember that," The creature grinned, "The first time is always the most memorable for Majic too."
When I didn't reply, he continued, "We need to discover the cause of this rift. Every Maji Wielder, every person, every part of your existence is at risk." He stressed.
I stepped away from him. There didn't seem to be much of a choice. I couldn't hunt, I couldn't defend myself, I couldn't fight. All I could think was that I was going to die.
"You have me." The creature chimed in, interrupting my thoughts.
"Can you stop doing that?" I snapped, "I don't care. I don't care that you've been with me my whole life. I don't care that we're the only ones who can help. I don't care about any of it."
Tears started welling in my eyes, I blinked them away, "I am scared. I am confused. Please, leave me alone."
In an instant, the creature disappeared. I threw myself back into bed and cried. 

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