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I came back home,  but i couldn't stop thinking about him,  i know this sounds stupid but i am kind of relieved , we talked very normally like if nothing happened , its like if that argument never existed , he acted like a father,  he knew he was Hugo's father he called him " my son " in our conversation .

This sounds like a dream,  i can't believe it's real,  not in an exciting way,  but in a way that i realised i should've told him earlier when we first met again,  but i was so scared i was creating scenarios , when he first found out he was mad and i actually understand that,  but now he's so chill.

i know he won't act like a father,  he probably won't release it to media because , all what they are going to say is " an almost 19 years old has already a son from his ex girlfriend that he didn't know about " and I'll get all the blame because i hid his child and the fact that i was only 16 when i was pregnant and blablabla  , we will be all what's talked about in the media for the next weeks or something,  people will start creating rumours wich is the worst thing ever

They will say that they already predicted this,  and that they knew because of the resemblance .

I realized that it's hard for Gavi to get along with hugo's existence , imagine that you never tought you had a son,  you are a young football player who's still building your career and then boom you find out you have a son in the most  unexpected way. 

Anyways I had to  write some documents and work because tomorrow the weekend ends and its Monday again ukkghh,  and I have to go to work again ,  I got a new job , I'm not working for that cafe anymore I'm working like  as an assistant for like a small company and honestly I get more money than I used to get in the old job at the cafe because you know a company is not a cafe

I loved my like my old work but I need money to raise my child Hugo,  I need money to pay the bills to pay the tuitions to buy groceries like it's not easy to be a single mom but I'm not telling you that I didn't want this like I'm so grateful to have a gift from God which is my child you know

So I open my laptop and started  working for like an hour and a half or something then Sira called me and told me that she will come over to my house of course I said okay and before she comes over I wanted to cook and bake, so I started by cooking some pasta my favorite dish to cook, then I baked some cookies and putted them in the oven before Sira comes so we can eat and like have fun and gossip of course

You know Sira has been my best friends for so long she helped me through a lot , she helped me through my pregnancy , she helped me  when I first had my child  , she was there with me at the labor ,  she helped me with money when I didn't have it ,  even her parents they were so helpful with me and I can't forget what they did for me ,I will thank them forever and I'm always thankful to have a best friend like her .

People may ask me wait she's older than you ith like 5 years or something , I know but  the age cap is nothing when you act like sisters and  she's been my sister that I didn't have because you know I am an only child, and for my family I am such a disappointment .

I got pregnant at 16 , I graduated high school and I don't have at stable job I didn't go to college even ,  when I told them that I'm going to take a year  just to work and then to save money for the college didn't even offer to pay and like my family has money ,my family is kind of like wealthy the're not even in the middle class like we have money but because I'm a disappointement .

They don't like me they always say oh look at his father right now he's so successful and look at you you're just a scared girl who did nothing in her life ,  go text him back and go get back with him get his money , what the hell like this is not going to work because if you like a person just for their money it's not even liking it's not even love .

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2023 ⏰

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