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March 19th, 2006 was a very special day. It was St. Marcus Day. The sun was beaming bright in Volterra and Alora could feel her scalp start to burn from the sun, causing her to lift her bright red hood back onto her head, the rest of her body concealed by her red cloak. She currently stood in front of the bell tower when a rude individual slams past her, causing her to fall into the little girl behind her.

"Apologies!" Alora apologizes, feeling bad for the little girl.
"Mi hai pestato un piede!" (You stepped on my foot.) The little girl frowns causing Alora to place a small kiss to her hand, apologizing once again.

"Guarda!" (Look!) The little girl tugs on her robe causing Alora to glance over, eyes widening when she sees the shimmering man. Alora is in a state of shock, confused as to what is going on. The rude girl from earlier rams into his chest and soon they hide away within the clock tower.

"Che cos'è stato?" (What was it?) The girl inquires, fascinated by the sparkling man.
But Alora can't come up with a response. She doesn't know. Maybe it was just an illusion. Or he was very rich and had a blinged out nude colored t-shirt but... She didn't know.

"Sicuramente portava molti diamanti. Si vantava della sua ricchezza." (He certainly wore many diamonds. He boasted of his wealth.) Alora lies and the girl seems to buy it, stepping closer to her mother who was blind to the entire situation.

Just as the crowd starts to move again an icy cold hand grabs her wrist, yanking her out of the crowd and towards the clock tower.
"You speak English, right?" The stranger asks, a multicolored scarf covering her hair. Alora doesn't reply, confused as to why this girl was dragging her.
"Let go of me." She demands, attempting to escape the strangers grip.
"I'm Alice and you're Alora, I'm sure. I would let you go but you were a witness. You either let me lead you in here or you will be dealt with." Alice stated. Her tone wasn't rude or threatening, it was sorrowful. As if she didn't wish this fate upon her. So reluctantly Alora agreed and let Alice guide her into the clock tower.

Alice pushes the large door open ever so casually and removes her sunglasses and scarf, a small smirk on her face.
"Come on guys. It's a festival. You wouldn't want to make a scene." She muses, glancing back towards Alora who just stands alone by the door.

"We wouldn't." A large man muses, squinting at Alora.
She goes to ask Alice a question when another voice is heard.
"Enough." Glancing up, they can all see a petite blonde strut down the hallway, her expression as blank as the stone walls.
"Jane." The shirtless man states, the diamond one, Mr. Shimmer.
"Aro sent me to see what was taking so long." The blonde offers glances towards the two men with red eyes before turning around, silently ordering them to follow and they do.

They near a stone staircase when they pass a window, sunlight beaming in. Alora's eyes widen as she sees all of their skin start to shimmer. Confusion is swirling her mind as well as concern. Why were their eyes red & gold? Why did their skin shimmer? What was she doing here? She didn't know the answer to any of these but the thought still occupied her mind.

"Go ahead." The blonde girl states, pointing towards the stone stares that lead deeper, further down into the castle. She almost couldn't get herself to move down them when one of the men, the ones cloaked in black, shoves her rather harshly, smirking as he does so.

Alora's hands are shaking as she feels eyes on her as she walks past, following behind the group. The question stills swirls in her mind. What are they? They're obviously not... normal.

They step into an elevator, awkward music playing in the background. Alora's back is pressed against a blonde man's chest. But his chest was... cold and hard. Like marble. Instead of asking questions she merely stares at the floor, ignoring the awkward tension in the elevator.

MINE ALL MINE - Caius VolturiWhere stories live. Discover now