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A/N: hey guys I just updatet this chapter I put bangchan's new skz-record here in enjoy listening and reading this chapter!

Y/N pov

"hey chan what do you want for breakfast?" I asked him from the kitchen "you choose" "okay" I made some pancakes and now I am taking out two bowls and pour some yoghurt in them, I add some strawberry, blueberries and some raspberry. I put the pancakes on the dining tabel, walk back and put the bowls across our plates. "chan breakfast is ready" after a few seconds he runs in the dining room "aissh this looks good, oh you made yoghurt with, strawberry,raspberries an blueberries" "yeah I thought you would like it" "thank you babygirl" I started to blush "aaawwhhh is my babygirl blushing" "stop calling me babygirl" "okay sorry" "so what are we doing today?" "oh we are going to australia" "WHAT?!" I sputered out "yeah I got time off and wanted to visit my family" "oohh okay when are we leaving?" "In an hour?" "IN AN HOUR?!" "don't worry babygirl I got you some time off school, I packed you're suitcase and I told aaron about it so he doesn't need to worry about it" "okay thank you chan" "no problem, okay let's eat then" "yeah" we finished eating I started the dishwasher and put on some comfy clothes for in the plane and then we locked everything and left to the airport.

time skip

we checked in the terminal and now are looking around in some shops. fifteen minutes before the plane left off we were at the gate. we stepped in the plane took our places and left off to australia.

time skip

I was sleeping until chan woke me up "babygirl we are gonna land soon" "okay" I got off chan's shoulder and sat back right. we landed in australia, we got out of the airport and took a taxi to chan's house. as soon as we arrived I got nervous. his parents got out of the house and started to hug him I looked down and saw a dog I got on my knees and started to pet the dog "oh Y/N I see berry likes you" chan said "you think" I said "berry isn't like this when a stranger is here, it's the first time she behaved her like that" "then she really likes me" I let out a chuckle "chan who is this?" the mom asks "oh mom dad this is Y/N my girlfriend" chan said while I stood up "oh hey nice to meet you Y/N" "it's nice to meet you to" then a girl walks out of the house "hey hannah" "hey chris" she said "chris?" I ask confused "euuh  that's my australian name" "oh okay chris" "let's go inside" chan's father said, I and chan followed him inside "Y/N do want something to drink?" "no thank you" "okay" "who are you?" hannah said "ow hey I am you're brothers girlfriend" "oh okay" then she walked away, chan and his parents are catching up what happened then my phone buzzes I see it's NI-KI calling me "exuse me I need to pick this up" then I walked outside the house "hey Y/N where are you?" he said in a panicked voice "I'm in australia" "why are you there?" he said more calmly "oh chan wanted to visit his family here in australia and he brought me with him why are you asking?" "no I was standing for chan's house and no one opend" "ah okay" "but it's good to hear you are safe" "yeah NI-KI I need to go someone is calling me" "okay bye" "bye NI-KI" I looked at who called me it's aaron, I picked up the phone "hey Y/N" "hey aaron" "how are you doing?" he asked "I am good how about you?" "I am okay, what are you doing" "I am in australia chan wanted to visit his family here and he brought me with him" "ah okay are his parent's nice to you?" "I don't know they didn't talk to much to me" "ah okay" "hm what are you doing?" "nothing much I just missed you and it's empty in the house" "yeah that's what you get if you kick you're older sister out" "yeah that's true" "well have fun there big sis" "thank you" "well I have to go bye Y/N" "bye aaron" and then I hung up. I haven't visited australia in my whole life, I started walkin toward the main city. once I was in the main city it was really big and full of people. I was walking through a clothing store then I got hungry so I walked out of the store and found a place to eat, I think chan forgot about me or he thinks I am still on the phone. I ordered my food and waited for it to arrive, my phone started to buzz I saw that chan was calling "Y/N where are you?!" he asks in a panicked voice "I am in the main city why?" "why didn't you said that to me" "well I thought it's been a while since you talked to you're family after NI-KI and aaron called me I started to walk to the main city" "oh okay do I need to pick you up?" "no just send me the adress and I walk back" "okay" "okay I am gonna eat and then i'll leave" "okay see you soon" and then he hung up.

time skip

I finished my food and headed to chan's house. I was two minutes away and then chan called me I picked up the phone "Y/N where are you?" "almost at you're door" "okay i'll open the door for you" "okay" then he hung up. I just arrived and chan opend the door, he runned up to me and the he hugged me "Y/N I was woried about you are you okay?" "yeah I am okay" "okay let's get inside"

time skip

I sat at the dining table and everyone was talking to chan so I sat silently and didn't say anything my screen lighted up aaron was calling "excuse me" I said and walked out of the house then I picked up the phone "hey aaron" "hey Y/N how is australia" "I went to the main city it was really fun" "how are chan's parents?" "I still don't know they haven't talked to me yet" I saw hannah getting out of the house she mounted with who I was calling  I mounted back with my brother and then she walked off  "Y/N are you still there?" "yeah sorry, what did you say?" "I asked why they don't talk to you?" "oh, I don't know" "Have you tried talking with them?" "no, they are talking with chan so I haven't had to chance to talk to them" "oh okay, I actually wanted to ask you something" "sure what's up" there was a silence "well I miss you and I wondered if you liked moving back in with me" "when we get to korea I'll discuss it with chan okay?" "okay" "aaron I can't promise you that I am gonna live with you again" "okay" "well see yeah" "bye Y/N" "bye aaron" then I sat down on the steps and waited five minutes to pass and then walked inside to the dining room "who was that Y/N" chan asked "oh aaron he asked me if I wanted to move back in" "what did you say" "I said i'll discuss it with you" "oh okay" then he talks with his parents further "so Y/N what are you studying?" his father asked me "oh I study nursing" "at what college are you studying?" "at samhyook universitie in soeul" "do you like it there" "yeah I do" "so what did happen that you wanted to be an nurse" "oh my mother had a car accident and they operated her but she was in an coma so all the nurses came in to check up on her and after a few days she passed away that's why I want to become a nurse" "how old where you back then" "I guess around fifteen, sixteen and my brother was around twelve years old my dad took care of us but after two years he died to so I got a job I payed for the house bills, school bills of me and my brother" "how old where you when you're dad died?" "around seventeen or eightteen" "and you took care of you and you're little brother" "yep" "are you still paying for the house and the school bills of you and you're brother" "I and my brother pay for the house half and for school we pay for our own" "ah okay" "Y/N can you help me in the kitchen after dinner" "I will"

time skip

we were done eating and I started to help chan's mom to wash the dishes  "Y/N stop telling some sad story's I know you make them up you chose chan because of his money" before I could say anything chan yelled "MOM HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT TO HER?!" "chan I am sorry I just think she is using you for you're money" "that's not true Y/N woudn't do that I know that" "sorry sweetie" "you don't need to say sorry to me but to Y/N" "I am sorry Y/N" "it's okay" then chan left the kitchen "here is some money and take a plane back to korea" I looked down and I said "okay" when the dishes were done I walked up to chan's room took my purse, my pasport my keys and some money, then I came downstairs "hey chan I am gonna take a walk" "okay do you want me to come" "no i'll be alright" "okay love you" "love you to" and then I walked out.  I walked for a while then I called a taxi and go to the airport I walked up to the checkout of the airport, I payed my ticket and head to the waiting area, after ten linutes I got on the plane and then the plane left off I sented aaron a text to him that I am heading back to korea and I will stay there.

chan's pov

Y/N is taking to long normally she would be back. she is two hours away I am getting woried. I walk up to my mom "mom what did you say to Y/N" "son why are you asking that to you're mom" "because she said earlier that Y/N is using me for my money" "did you say that?" my dad asks "yeah I did and I also gave her some money to leave back to korea she is probably on the plane right now" "how can you do that?!" my dad shouted at her "dad it's okay I'll take a plane tommorow morning to korea" "no I call my friend and ask if he'll give us a plane ride to korea" then he left the kitchen I look disgust at my mother and followed my father to the living room "chan pack you're stuff we need to leave" "okay" I runned up to my room and packed all mine and Y/N's stuff, I put it in the trunk and we headed to the airport, my dad's friend already started the plane so once me and my dad got settled in the plane we left off to korea.

a/n: sorry that this chapter was so long and sorry for a lot of time skips

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