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I woke up with chan laying beside in my bed "goodmorning" he said, " Good morning," I said while smiling. "Why are you smiling ?" "because you look really cute right now" "ah okay" "so how-" before I ended my sentence aaron walked in "Y/N why is chan laying next to you, you didn't do it yesterday or did you?" "no I didn't do it with him we just watched a movie yesterday in the livingroom and I fell asleep while watching it so chan carried me to bed and he slept next to me do you have a problem with that" I look at him with a dead stare " uhh no I don't have a problem with that" "okay now get out of my room and knock next time" "okay" "are you always like that to aaron" "most of the time" "why are you like that to aaron" "because he doesn't like his friends looking at me,talking to me or like if they ask to if I want to hang out with you guys, that's why I yesterday refused to hang out with you guys" "really" "yep" "why is he like that" "it's because some guy said that he is gonna fuck me but I say to him like he doesn't know me, he doesn't know what I look like, he doesn't know anyting about me but he is still acting like that and I hate him for that" "really" "yeah I do because I have guy friends but also just girl friends but when I call with the guys and my girl friends and he sees with who I am calling with he starts trying to convince me to hang up but I don't listen to a shit he says" "wow is really like that because some guy said that about you" "yep" "now I understant why you act like that" "yeah but anyways let's get some breakfast" "that's a good idea I am starving" "what do you want to eat?" "pancakes" "okay we will eat that then" we came downstairs and saw the others looking at us "goodmorning" I said akwardly "I am gonna make some pancakes you guys want some to?" "yeah sure" felix said "okay I will start making them then, " and I went to the kitchen and started to prepare the pancake dough. after an hour or so, the pancakes were done. I set the table and walked to the living, telling the guy the pancakes were ready. after two minutes, they walked to the table and said, "Thank you for the food," and we started to eat. thankfully, the dishwasher was empty, so I put everything in the dishwasher and headed to the stairs. "Hey Y/N what are you going to do?" han asked "ow I just gonna take a shower. Why?" "Just asking." "Okay." I've got out of the shower and got dressed. I head downstairs, my hair still wet, and I went to the kitchen without someone noticing me. I reach for a glass, and for the water, I pour in some water and gulp down the whole glass and head back upstairs to my room and start drying my hair with the towel. I put the towel down and looked at my phone for some missed calls or something, but nope, there was nothing. I heard a knock on my door then I saw chan walking in "hi" he said "hi wassup" "the boys asked if you wanted to play with us" "sure what are you guys playing?" "Just dance 2023" "Oh, I love that game, but you just can play with four. How are we gonna play?" "we play in 2 groups. Each person is doing a dance." "Good idea in witch group am I in?" "In my team. "Oh yess, who are the other 3 players?" "Lee know, hyunjin and han" "I heard hyunjin and Lee know are good at dancing" "they are" "oh okay come on let's head downstairs" "yeah let's go" we played until 6 in the evening so far my team is standing on top but felix is really good I can't beat him everytime we play against eachother he always wins it's really frustrating. we ordered Pizza and felix chose Pizza hawai wich I personnaly don't like to eat the other just chose pizza peperoni and I chose pizza margeritha. The pizza came an hour later because we orderd 10 pizza's and it took a while before they delivered it here. I was eating my pizza but suddenly I felt sick, I ran to the bathroom and started to throw up. By the time I came back no one noticed me so I went upstairs to take a shower and go to bed. I just put on my pajamas when then someone knocked on my door. "come in" I said. chan appeared through the door "hey Y/N" "hey chan" "Y/N why do you look so pale?" "oh while eating the pizza I threw up but no one noticed so I just took a shower and I was about to sleep" "oh okay it was just the guys where asking where you were because you just disappeared" "oh okay, just tell them I don't feel good" "okay, get well soon" "thanks chan" then he left my room, I went to bed and fell asleep.

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