"Ooh! Wow, thank you very much sweetie. Thank you to your mom and dad. I wish them a very happy new year too" Joy grinned before placing the bottle on her counter. "Come on you" Michael disturbed them by pulling Cheryl away. "Uh, thank you!" Cheryl told Joy as she was pulled off. They walked into the lounge room, which wasnt too crowded and Cheryl saw her friends sitting along side, Calum and Luke. Ashton, no where to be seen. Jodi was sitting on her phone, swirling the straw in her drink. Jenn and Kassie were laughing and Luke was sitting beside Cal, staring out into the main room, drinking beer. 

"Guys! Look who wasnt a party pooper!" Michael shouted and the girls turned. "Chez!" Kassie gasped and stood up, but stumbled. "Woah, already drunk...." Cheryl giggled a little. She got a rather tight hug from Kassie before Jodi grabbed her. "Yay you made it!" She cheered into her face, the smell of alcohol stinging her nose a little. "Gosh, Jodi!" Cheryl backed away a little. "She's a little drunk" Calum called out. "I can tell. Wheres....the other one?" She asked. "Flying back in." He sighed. "Wow, hes me thinking...he'd be here with friends and family" Cheryl shook her head as the girls sat back down.

"He wasnt happy on the phone...." Luke told her, walking towards her. Cheryl looked up at him, a straight face yet legs like jelly. "Ass..." She whispered. He leaned down, and Cheryl turned her face. The smell of beer on his breath too. He pecked her cheek, and the girls cooed, as Jenn sat smiling a little. He took her arm, but she pulled it away. "Please dont" She whispered. Luke took her wrist and pulled her to the side. "What is going on?" He asked. "What...nothing!" Cheryl shook her head.

"Dont lie to me! I know. You havent been speaking to me....after....what happened" He looked at her, rather hurt. She gulped a little, her throat dry. She didnt know what to say. She couldnt say, what she wanted to say. "Please, not now" She told him. "What?... plan to talk about it tomorrow, over coffee. Like what we always do." He sighed, shaking his head. "Luke, i know your mad but..." "Mad? Im not mad. Im a little pissed off, but thats not all because of you. Im just...confused. Hurt" He told her.

"....Im sorry..." She spoke out, tears beginning to sting her eyes. She took her wrist back before putting her drink down. Walking out the lounge, Luke watched her as Jenn quickly followed. Cheryl barged her way into a downstairs bathroom but Jenn was quickly on her tail. "What happened?!" Jenn asked, locking the door. "Im a complete bitch. Thats what happend" Cheryl sighed shaking her head. "Okay now, stop it" Jenn told her. "But i am. Look what i did. I've hurt him, oh gosh! Ive done exactly what i didnt want to do to him" She covered her face.

"Hurt him for not speaking to him for a few days. Chez, a kiss can mean....a lot of things..." "It wasnt just a kiss!" Cheryl butted in. Jenn looked at her. "Oh. Ohhh....!" Jenn caught on. "Why didnt you tell us?!" Jenn slapped Cheryl's arm a little. "Because, i didnt want to be like. Oh hey, i slept with my ex...after seeing each other after nearly a year. Oh yeah, remember he dumped me over skype?!" Cheryl sighed, then sniffed. "Its my fault. I shouldnt have let it go this far." She shook her head. "I shouldve just went back home. Came back home" She looked at Jenn.

"You've got to get this fear out of you. Stop thinking people will hate you!" Jenn told her. "Chez, you've thought about coming on tour havent you?" Jenn smiled. Cheryl looked at her and nodded. "So you know what your doing?" She asked, and Cheryl nodded again. "Ah, good. Thats good" Jenn grinned and sighed. "Look, babe. You have to tell Luke everything. How you feel, how you think this will affect you both. You cant keep him in the dark" Jenn looked at her.

"D'you think?" Cheryl sniffed. "Yes! He will understand, even help. Its not just you, he'll know" Jenn nodded before kneeling down in front of her. "Believe me. He will understand. Trust me" Jenn looked at her. Nodding Cheryl, cleared her throat before wiping her nose on a piece of tissue. "Okay. Thanks Jenn" She told her. "Come here!" Jenn hugged her. "If there is anything....anything! You can tell us. I hate it when we keep secrets from each other, its not right. We're sisters" Jenn told her.

"I know, but theres stuff going on with Ashton and.... " " Look, thats his problem. Not ours, okay" Jenn smiled at her. "Ive tried to help. Ive tried saying to him about it, he just wont listen. I dont know why hes acting like this. Im not liking him at the moment, and that why Jodi got drunk tonight. To get her mind off him. " Jenn sighed.

"Right come on. Lets, finish 2014 with a banging ass party!" Jenn grinned as she wrapped her around around Cheryl. Cheryl giggled a little before they walked out the bathroom.


Just before midnight. 

"2015 will be an awesome year for us!" Calum raised his arm in the air, proud. "I know. Its awesome dude!" Michael grinned as he finished another beer. Cheryl hadnt seen Luke since the whole hiccup they had. She'd tried to find him, but nope. She thought he'd went home or something. Makes sense, after someone fucking you around like that...your bounde to be pissed off and mad. Cheryl always wanted Luke to never do that to her, now look. Thats just she'd done to him, and she was not proud or happy one bit.

"Ive been....trying...to learn Japan!" Kassie told Cheryl into her ear. "Have you?" Cheryl nodded and looked away. "Yeah. I think it'll be fun there! You love sushi right? Eating sushi everynight. Cute boys, awesome bands..." Kassie whined on, in her drunk voice. Cheryl sighed as everyone began to gather up. It was time for the countdown to midnight. Cheryl looked around as she and her friends all held each other. Deja vu wasnt even the proper way to name the situation. This time, 3 years ago they'd wished each other a happy new year and it was all different.

" 10...9...8...7..." People began to countdown. Sighing, Cheryl put on a fake smile as the girls sqealed a little with excitement. "...6....5....4...." This had to be a new year. No more shit, no more games. It had to start a fresh! To be honest, it was getting tiring and being hurt over and over wasnt a good thing. "...3...2....1...." Cheryl knew what she had to do.

"HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!" Everyone cheered, as the whole house went in an uproar. Cheering, clapping, kissing, and hugging. Party poppers going off, and whistles. Music, got louder as the traditional anthem for the new year came on. Cheryl hugged and kissed her friends, wishing them a happy new year. Except two. One, was pissed at her, and the second...she didnt even know what was going on with him. She sighed as she picked up her purse. It was time to leave.

"Happy new year" Luke spoke in her ear. She turned, a little with fright. "Luke! I thought you went home" She admitted to him. He shook his head. "Just needed...some time" He smiled. "No more bullshit. Its a new year, and its going to be awesome" He smiled at her. Cheryl nodded with a straight face. He held out his arms, and they hugged, exchanging a quick peck on the mouth. A new years kiss.

"Chez, i understand everything okay? Thats why i dont want you to feel...alone or like you have no one to talk too. Thats why i got a little pissed, because i want you to know...im here" He smiled, rubbing his thumb over her cheek. Cheryl took a breath and nodded.

"New year, new start. How about it?" He grinned at her, his sweet smile and cute eyes. Biting her lip slightly, Cheryl leaned in a little. Luke stared at her with a smile. "I know. Thank you...i have something that i need to say." She told him. "Yes, tell me" He told her.

There was a slightly pause before Cheryl sighed. Looking up at Luke's eyes she pouted a little. "I cant come to Japan with you guys." She quickly told him. Soon, his face dropped as he looked at her. "What?" He asked, his voice shocked yet confused.

Yeah, this was definetly different from the new year....3 years ago. 

Im sorry, i felt like this chapter was boooo! Trying to keep it interesting before ending it. In a way i dont want to finish it :( <3<3<3

Disconnected. (5SOS story/fanfic) {Sequel to 'Everything I didnt say'}Where stories live. Discover now