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The next morning Taehyung was dressed and ready for school early and went to knock on Jin's door hoping to speak to him. But it was Jimin who came out instead.

"Tae, he doesn't want to talk to you. You embarrassed him. He doesn't even want to go to school. And you can't really blame him. You spent years pushing him away and now, for some reason known only to you. You decide that you are now interested in him. You can't just expect him to flip at a time that's convenient for you."

"I don't.. that's not what I'm trying to do. I just want to say I'm sorry. Please.. help me." Tae pleads.

"Did you forget who you are talking to? I have been witness to everything you have done since you first moved here. You have never been good to him, even though you know how sensitive and sweet he is. You could have just been a friend to him and let him down gently if you weren't interested in him. And he would have understood. But you let all those little bastards at school to make fun of him for years. No, he's my best friend and the only reason I have never kicked your ass for hurting him is because it would only hurt him instead."

"Look, I'm sorry that those kids teased him when we were younger. We were all just stupid kids and I admit, I probably should have done more to stop them. But I was a new kid and I didn't know how to handle the situation back then. You can't blame me forever."

Jimin laughs and says, "Boy, you really don't know me at all do you? I can hold a grudge forever. Especially when it comes to the people I care about."

He then closes the door on him, leaving him no choice but to go to school. He was happy to see him arrive at school, but he was surrounded by his two buddies, Jimin and Hobi. They most definitely won't allow him anywhere near him.

He thought he'd have a chance during their one class they share together without either Jimin or Hobi. But Jin did everything in his power to ignore him. He pretended to do homework when he walked over to talk to him. And when the bell rang, he ran out of the classroom where his friends were waiting.


For the next few days Taehyung has continued to try to talk to Jin with no luck. Then one day when he went over to knock on his door again, Jin's mother came to the door.

She told him that Jin had gone with his father to visit his uncle and would be gone for a couple of hours. She saw how sad he looked and invited him in.

She offered him a Coke and they sat at the kitchen table.

"I know you are unhappy that Jin won't let you apologize to him. But it's not something that he's experienced before. He has always admired you, ever since you first moved in across the street. He came home that day so excited because he had made a new friend. And I know you may think that he wasn't aware of how uncomfortable he made you feel about his crush on you. He was, but he didn't know how to express his feelings any other way.

But now that he's older, he's come to realize that you never liked him in any capacity. As a friend or a crush and it's hard for him to comprehend that you feel differently now. So I hope you can understand that you two may never be friends."

"I don't want to accept that. I do care about him. I care about him alot. And I don't think I go on the rest of my life without his forgiveness."

She sighs, feeling sorry for him. "Maybe you can try taking an interest in the things he likes."


"Well, you know that he's great at baking. He has a client list of people who buy things from him on a weekly basis. Maybe.. I don't know. Maybe you can try baking something. I mean, it couldn't hurt right?"

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