Ivy looked up when people started screaming even louder if it were possible and saw her and Peeta on projection banners.

She smiled and waved at the people hoping it'd help with sponsors. She noticed Peeta look at her before feeling the brush of his hand. Startled she jerked back until she realized what he was trying to do. She interlocked their fingers and Peeta held them up for the people to see.

The crowd went wild and they continued to smile and wave at the crowd as they settled into a stopping position to face President Snow.

"Welcome. Welcome. Tributes. We welcome you." He paused as the crowd cheered again. "We salute. Courage. And your sacrifice. and we wish you a happy Hunger Games. And maybe the odd be ever in your favor."

As soon as the speech was done the chariots headed back to the waiting stylists.

"That was amazing." Cinna gushed as he walked toward his tributes.

"You are all anybody's going to be talking about." Effie praised the group.

"So brave." Haymitch smiled at the tributes and then at Cinna. "Hmm." He looked past them and at the District 2 tributes Clove and Cato. "Let's uh... let's go upstairs."

Peeta and Ivy looked behind them to see the two glaring at them before following after their stylists and mentor.

"So each of the districts gets their own floor and because you're 12 you get the penthouse," Effie told them.

They loaded up into the elevator and soon enough were on the top floor. Ivy's mouth dropped at the colorful decor and the expensiveness of the room punched her in the gut.

Effie talked about the room but Ivy couldn't stop looking at everything around her. It was such a difference from the shacks they had in 12.

"Well get undressed and pick whatever room you wish," Effie told them. "Just make sure to give Cinna the clothes back. We'll see you for dinner."

Ivy and Peeta got handed new clothes by Cinna and his friend and they changed in the bathrooms before handing them back and choosing their bedrooms.

Ivy walked into her and checked out the bedding and giant TV which had all kinds of weird modes from Capitol citizens just walking around to the desert and forest.


"Want to see something cool?" Peeta asked walking into the room.

Ivy raised a brow confused but nodded anyway. "Sure as long as you don't kill me."

"I promise," he said as he held his heart. "Follow me."

And so she did. She followed him into the elevator and they went to the roof where there was a small garden and chairs. He showed her to the edge where they could look down and see people milling about. But the real beauty was when they looked straight ahead to see all the lit-up buildings and the sunset in the sky.

"Wow. It's so pretty."

"I know," he said looking at her. When she looked back at him he looked back at the sky and continued, "Effie said this part was allowed to go to. It's very peaceful."



They were all let into the training center to meet a woman named Alvea who told them their rules and responsibilities.

"In two weeks twenty-three of you will be dead. One of you will be alive." Ivy glanced over all the students and her eyes landed on Cato who was glaring at her and Peeta. She quickly looked away and looked back to Alvea. "Who that is depends on how well you pay attention over the next four days. Particularly to what I'm about to say. First. No fighting with the other Tributes. You'll have plenty of time for that in the arena. There are four compulsory exercises, the rest will be individual training. My advice is; Don't ignore the survival skills. Everybody wants to grab a sword but most of you will die from natural causes. 10% from infection. 20% from dehydration. Exposure can kill as easily as a knife."

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