Chapter 1

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Tamushi Kai...a name that was heard from those who've met him and knows his personality, him being a friend...a comrade...a egoist...and a cocky son of a bitch...and now...he's back once more as he face the world in front of him...the world where he'll become something once more...into the world...of Haikyuu!!

"Volleyball....2 teams rally a ball ball and forth over the net dividing the court in half. The ball must not be dropped nor mst it be held during play. A ball Game where...3 volleys are "Connected" into one attack."

"...Before my eyes, it blocks my path. A high, high wall...what sort of scene is on the other side? What will I be able to see there? "Thw Virw from the Top"...A scenery that I will never be able to see on my own"

As Someone said this, who dawned a volleyball uniform while staring st the court net with eyes of wonder but he wasn't alone.

"But, if I'm not alone, then...I might be able to see it---"

As he thought of this more young men were there beside him ready to face their opponents.

It was a few years and it was that time was where we see a young man watching a volleyball match on TV. The announcer points out the "Small Giant", a player who's only 170cm tall but can go up against 190cm players.

This young man couldn't help but be inspired by how this person can jump so high and score.

Roughly three years and three months later.

A boy slams the volleyball over to the other side of the court. His jersey reads ‘Kousen Academy’. 

The people around him yell out, ‘Nice kill!’. A sign reads, ‘Junior High School Interscholastic Sports Tournament Boys Volleyball.’ There is chatter everywhere, but a boy’s voice is heard.
“Look at all the people! The gym’s so big! And…” A head of orange hair comes into view. 

“Smell all that icy hot spray!” Hinata Shouyo, Yukigaoka Middle School 3rd Year. Volleyball Club Captain. 

“Geez, Sho-chan. Nervous much? ‘Smell that Icy Hot spray,’ Seriously?”
“Does somebody have stage fright, hm?” 

“H-hey, I can’t help it! This is my first real tournament!” Hinata announced.

“My third year and I finally, finally……!”

“No kidding. I’m shocked he actually made it this far. Didn’t he start as the only team member?”

“ Yeah, he really hung in there all by himself.” 

“Um, Captain? Shouldn’t we warm up?” It showed three teammates who were first years.

Volleyball Club First Years: 
Mori, Kawashima, Suzuki 

“He’s right, Captain. Don’t you have a job to do?”

“Yeah! It’s not like you gave us much notice for this! We barely know any of the rules!”

Yukitaka Izumi, 3rd year (Actually in the Basketball club)

Koji Sekimukai, 3rd year (Actually in the Soccer club)

“I… I know!” 

“We finally made it into a tournament. And now that we’re in it, we’re gonna win it.” 

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