Rogue Recruit

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On a remote island 120 miles west of Costa Rica, in a nearby building people in lab coats were working and typing away at their computers, some of them were looking through microscopes, while other looked at holographic screens of DNA strands, one scientist was a man of Asian decent who was writing down in a clip bored as he looked an incubator that housed two eggs that were made just months ago

As the man continue to take notes on the eggs, before going to a computer and typing at a few keys, when suddenly the light and monitors turned off turning everything pitch black, after a few seconds the lights came back and man looked to see if the eggs were okay only to find them gone, his eyes widened before he ran out of the room

Meanwhile unknown to anyone on the island, a dark figure with bat like wings and glowing red eyes flew through the night sky, carrying two of the stolen eggs

Castle Bravo

Danny slammed into the ground, before getting back up looking at Yasmina who was grinning at him

"Come on Danny is that all you got" said Yasmina cracking her knuckles

"Not even close" he said as he charged at her as the two starting fighting, blocking punches and dodging kicks, Danny caught Yasminas leg and threw her away, but she managed to land on her feet before raising her hand sending an energy blast at Danny who dodged out of the way, she sent a few more blasts but he deflected them all

"Is that all you got" Danny mocked with a smirk

Yasmina sent him an annoyed look "mocking me huh, alright then let me remind you my mother is queen of the monsters!" she yelled as a green aura appeared around her, she then charged at Danny again who stood ready, the two then started exchanging blows again, only this time Yasmina was slowly gaining the upper hand, but thanks Danny having his fathers fighting sense was able to barely keep up with hear

Yasmina then kicked him away as she fire more blasts at him, but Danny was able to dodge out of the way, he glared at her as his amber eyes glowed

"Finally getting serious huh Yaz?" said Danny "alright then two can play at this game"

He yelled as a blue aura appeared around him and it only grew bigger as he increased his power "alright time for round two"

The two demititans got into fighting stances as their aura chirped around them, they suddenly dashed towards each other leaving cracks in the ground as they clashed, sending a small shockwave that shook the whole base, they smirked at each other before they started trading and matching each other blow for blow, Danny dodged her fist as Yasmina caught his elbow, she suddenly felt the wind get knocked out of her as Danny kneed her in the gut, he then raised his hands about his head and slammed them on her back sending falling to the floor making a small crater

Danny watched as she slowly got back up, even she was stumbling a little

"And that is why they call me the son of a king" said Danny smirking down at her, earning him a glare, before Yasmina could charge at him, the intercom suddenly came on

"Thats enough you two" said Dr Serizawa from the control room, with the rest of adults and two students behind him "it is at the moment all we can afford" he gestured to the damaged training room

"Sorry about that Doc" apologized Danny "guess we got a little carried away"

"Speak for yourself" said Yasmina cracking her neck "when the heck did you get so strong? last time I checked we were almost equal"

Danny only shrugged "don't know, maybe it's all the training we've been doing" he explained as they made their back to the control room

"That was tight guys" said Darius "I barely managed to keep up, but still good job" he gave a thumbs up

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