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  It had been a few weeks since Armin said he'd no longer be intimate with you, and even though you could just ask him if you two could have sex, something about just having to ask was too embarrassing for you

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  It had been a few weeks since Armin said he'd no longer be intimate with you, and even though you could just ask him if you two could have sex, something about just having to ask was too embarrassing for you.

Lazily typing some numbers into the computer you stared at the screen with a blank face. You were bored out of your mind and you couldn't wait to get out of work.

"Y/N, any plans after work?" Jean asked as he leaned back on his chair so he was able to see you. Finally looking over to him as you had typed the last of the numbers that you needed, you thought to yourself even though you already knew the answer.

"Not really Jean, my life is so boring nowadays" you sighed. It wasn't necessarily boring, but you were getting a bit impatient with how a certain blond wouldn't even look your way, and even though you didn't ask, that didn't mean you didn't try to provoke him. Nevertheless, he wouldn't budge. Whenever he'd take notice of your efforts but he'd just smile at you and go back to whatever it was that had him occupied.

"Well, in that case what to do you say if we go somewhere after work? Connie's busy with some mystery girl so he's out" he sighed. Hanging out with Jean wouldn't hurt. "Sure, what place do you have in mind?" you questioned. "Hmm, how about a restaurant?" he suggested with a smile on his face


"Anything new happening lately?" Jean asked as he moved your chair so that you could sit down first, he then sat on his own. "Well other than work not really, i've never been to this restaurant" you glanced around, doing a double take, taking notice of a familiar figure. From the back it looked like Armin, once he turned to his side, you noticed it really was him. He was sitting next to another blonde girl and an old man.

   You didn't want to take your eyes away from him but forced yourself to, bringing your attention back to Jean. "Hm?" you hummed as you questioned. "Is everything okay Y/N?" Jean asked, you simply just nodded and took the menu from the table. Wanting to literally do anything but to think about who Armin could possibly be with, you then came back to your senses.

   You had no reason to be curious or even feel some type of way towards him when you two are nothing. Yet you couldn't help but to feel slightly hurt? He had just told you a few weeks ago how he felts towards you. Was it possibly an excuse from him so that you two could stop being intimate and therefore let you off softly?..  "I think i'll get the pasta what about you Y/n?" you peeked at Jean from the top of the menu once he spoke up. Feeling a bit upset that you had completely lost your appetite.

    You let out a quiet sigh and placed your menu down, 'Jean went through the trouble of picking out a restaurant, just try to focus on him for now'  giving him a slight smile, "I think i'll pick the same, I tend to be quite picky at new restaurants" you replied.

   Even though you couldn't completely stomach down the food, it was still a lovely treat. You managed to learn more about Jean and how he became friends with Connie. It was a cute story really. Jean was fighting some kids that were bullying him and Connie suddenly jumped in the fight as well to back him up even though he didn't know Jean at all, they then ran away leaving the other kids crying. From then on it was just history.

   "Well this was great, mind if we head out? Wouldn't want you to be too tired" Jean said as he put his card back into his wallet. You had offered him to pay half but he refused since he had offered to begin with.

    Standing from your seat, you gathered your purse and your phone, you had completely forgotten about Armin and looked around to see if he was still at the restaurant and much to your surprise he still was. As you made your way towards the exit, you prayed he didn't take notice of you as you didn't want to make things awkward. "Oh hey, Armin whats up didn't know you were here" you froze as you heard Jean say. Dammit Jean! you mentally cursed.

"Oh hey you two.." the blonde quietly spoke up. Turning around , you gave him a small wave and looked at the other two who he sat with. The woman to his left had short blonde hair, she looked very sophisticated and gave off the impression that she had her life together. The old man next to her left looked a little frustrated but gave you a warm smile so you returned one as well. "Armin who are these two young people?" Said the old man.

   "Uhh, well you see... they're acquaintances of mine" he replied curtly, not wanting to explain any further.


   "Nice to meet you two, we'll let you be, we don't want to intrude any further" Jean spoke up, thankful that he did. The stares from the blonde woman started to make you feel uncomfortable, even though you weren't looking at her you could just feel that she was. You felt as if your head would have a hole if you stayed any longer. "Nice to meet you both, farewell" You quietly said, not wanting to be rude.


  "An acquaintance huh..."

   Not being sure of how to feel, you tried your best to gather your thoughts and not try to make any assumptions. It couldn't be helped though... You tried think as to why Armin acted the way that he did. Was it really that bad if the old man knew you guys were more than acquaintances? And who was that lady? Could that be Annie? Why is he still in contact with her? Was it her that would call him in these past few weeks?

    Your mind was spinning once you began overthinking everything, you sat on the couch feeling overwhelmed. Finally after much thinking, you convinced yourself with something that made your heart hurt.

   About an hour later you heard the door knob twist and then open, keeping your gaze on your phone, you kept scrolling and acted as if you had never seen him earlier that night. It was a work day so you weren't sure why you were even up. Standing from the couch you began walking toward the bedroom not once glancing at Armin. "Y/N can we please talk?" the blond spoke up.

    You stopped walking and turned to him putting your phone away in the process. "About?" you twisted your head to the side as you questioned him. "About the people i was with earlier" he responded, it sounded as if he was afraid of what you might say. You walked towards him and put your hand on his shoulder, he looked up at you and stared at your eyes. "Armin you don't have to explain anything to me really, it's all good, i'm just an acquaintance of yours either way." you simply responded. Was it a little petty of you to say that? Yes. But did you care? Not really.

   Armin furrowed his brows at that, "That's not it, I just want to explain just so there's no misunderstanding" The blond quickly replied. Retracting your hand from his shoulder, you let your arms fall to the side, "You really don't have to explain anything, we're nothing, therefore you have no obligation to do so" you murmured. Hearing those words come from your mouth made Armin's heart drop. He knew you two didn't have a label but he also didn't want you to misunderstand anything.

    He was really serious about you, how could you not see that? He knew that meeting up with both Annie and his grandpa wasn't that good of an idea but he wanted to get it over with. "I know we're nothing but... I just thought you should know" he responded quietly.

The room was so quiet, if a pin were to fall, anyone could for sure hear it. Armin began to feel nervous, he wasn't sure what was going on in your mind, he felt his heart begin to accelerate. "I... uhh" He was loss for words, his anxiousness getting the best of him.

   Sighing in response, from your perspective it seemed as if he were trying to come up with something on the spot, if he really wasn't hiding anything from you, shouldn't he know what to say?

   "Armin it's okay, like I said we're nothing..."


Sorry for any typos! :>

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