chapter 1 | "a place to heal for now."

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The French boy was limping. He got revived after the guard dogs scratched him so badly. He was almost crying from the pain and saw Gregory's house. He knocks on the door

Gregory: "Christophe! Oh my God are you okay Mon Ami??''

Christophe: " can I please.. Stay wizh you for a bit?"

Gregory: "come on in."

Christophe walked in and felt like he was gonna pass out. Gregory put Bandages on him

Gregory: "go lay down in my bed okay? You look really lightheaded.."

Christophe: "oui.."

As he walked to Gregory's room he suddenly passes out

Gregory: "CHRISTOPHE!"

he ran to him and picked him up and carried him to bed

A few hours later

Gregory: "good morning sleepyhead."

He smiled at him

Christophe: " ztill hurts.."

Gregory: "it's okay ba-.. Uh- Mon Ami"

Christophe: "huh??"

Gregory: "nothing. You look hungry.. I made you some breakfast"

He gave him breakfast and he eats it

Christophe: '..thanks mon Ami"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2023 ⏰

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