Hyunjin's dominance

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The two spend time in the living room setting up Christmas decorations. They start with the Christmas tree. Felix couldn't reach the top, so he sits on the floor decorating the bottom while Hyunjin does the top.

"Have you ever thought about having kids?", Felix asks.
"What? Why?"

"Just making conversation."
"Took a while to answer."

"Why? Have you?"
"Eh. Not really. I can't even take care of myself."

"Yeah. You'll have me doing all the work."
"And I love you for it.", he smiles widely.

"You're lucky you're cute."
"Aw shucks. Do you know where the skirt is?"

"The what?"
"The skirt."
"The ones that you wear?"

"No. For the tree."
The older gets more confused.
"You know, the cloth that you put on the bottom."

"Ohhhh. That's what it's called?"
"Yes. Do you know where it is?"
"Probably in the garage."

Felix gets up then enters the garage and turns on the lights. He looks through different boxes trying to find it.

"Here it is."

Before he takes it out he noticed a spider on it. He jumps up and nearly fell before running back to his boyfriend screaming.

"What? What is it? What happened?"

"There's something on the skirt!"

"There's a humongous spider on it! You have to kill it!"

"Let me see."

Hyunjin heads to the garage with the younger following closely behind him, holding onto his arm.

"Where was it?"

"In that box.", he points to it.
The older goes to look into it while Felix stays behind at the door.

"If it was here, it's gone now."
"Nope. They never leave until you kill them."

"It's probably a small one and you're overreacting."
"I'm telling you it was huge!"

The older picks up the skirt and examines the front.
"I don't see anything.", he turns it around.

"Holy shit!", he quickly drops it and backs away.
"See? I told you so."

"That's big."

"You have to kill it."
"Why me?"
"You have dominance."


"So, it means I don't and I'm not gonna do it. Hurry up before it enters the house."

"What am I supposed to use?"
"Get that broom and push it outside."

"Ok. Open the door."

Hyunjin grabs a broom they use to sweep the garage and the younger opens the door. The older cautiously pushed the skirt with the spider in it outside to the driveway.


Hyunjin gets ready before he starts beating it with the broom over and over again.

"There. I think it's dead now."
"Well, you have to check."

The older moves the skirt around and found it dead.
"Whew! It's dead."

"Are you sure?"
"Do you want to see?"

"Ok, then. Can you bring me the trashcan?"

The younger pulls it over and Hyunjin uses the broom to throw it away.

"Are we gonna burn it?"
"To be sure it won't move."

"Babe. I assure you that it's dead and won't move. Its legs are severely severed and the body is mushed."

"Ew. Too descriptive."
"Let's go back inside."
"Are we gonna buy another one?"

"Of course. And, I'll check it for any bugs before it goes in the house."

"And wash it too."
"Another reason why I love you."

"I love you too."

The next day, they went to a local store to buy a new Christmas skirt for their tree, but the younger keeps getting distracted.

"Babe? Babe!"

"Were you listening? What are you staring at?"

"Nothing. What are you staring at?"

"You're acting weird. I was asking if you want a red one or a white one."

"Uh huh.", he stares off again.

Hyunjin follows his gaze to another man standing afar stocking stuffed animals.

"Are you staring at that man?"
"What? No. I'm looking...well, I'm looking at the stuffed animals."

"You're staring the stuffed animals?"

"Yeah. Especially that really big Christmas bear dressed like Santa Claus. I dream of having one that big."

"Well, keep dreaming."

"Aw, what? Why?"
"We have more important things to get."

"But, hun. It's beautiful."

"I'm the dominate one and I say no. And if you pout, I'll take the rest of your plushies away."

"Wha- you can't do that."
The older gives him a serious look. Felix looks down, giving in.

"Now come on.", he takes Felix hand and pulls him along.

The younger gives the bear one last look before turning around and follows Hyunjin. The car ride back home was silent as Felix watches the outside through the window.

Hyunjin will glance at him every now and again, but worried if he was too harsh on the younger.

"Are you gonna talk to me?"
"About what?"
"Anything. Like you always do."

"Is it about the bear?"
"No. It's your..."

"My what?"
"Well, you turned me on earlier and made me upset."

"Huh. That must feel weird."
"It does. I don't know if I want to fuck you or be mad at you."

"There's no reason to be mad at me. You said you don't like it when I spend a lot of money on you."

"I mean yeah, but you always get expensive things."
"I bet that was bear expensive too."

"It's fine. I don't have to get everything I want. I have you and that's more than enough."

"Thank you, babe."

They exchange smiles and hold hands. A moment of silence falls as the drive comes to an end. Before they get out the car, the older speaks.

"You want it rough?"
"I want you to destroy me."
"You don't have to tell me twice."

Hyunjin x Felix Where stories live. Discover now