chapter 8

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Hermione felt like she was going to chew through her lip waiting for him to respond. He had stepped through the floo and she had been unable to resist stepping forward and wrapping her arms around him. And then she hadn’t wanted to let go. The luxurious feel of his wool robes against her cheek, his sharp clean scent, his strong arms enveloping her; it made it difficult to remember why she'd been so afraid. And he had been great, teasing her through her stumbling apology, making her feel so completely comfortable. She was beginning to wonder if she deserved him. It had been made very clear to her in the past that she was pants at relationships.

Now she was asking even more of him, was it too much? She didn’t want him to think that she was ashamed of him, she never would have told Andromeda, a woman she respected and admired above all others, about him if she had been. She just wanted to keep him to herself for a little while so that they could have the opportunity to figure themselves out as a couple before they were subject to public scrutiny.

Once again she felt unnerved by the amount of influence he suddenly had on her. She craved his good opinion. She hated the idea of hurting his feelings. So it was a good thing when, seemingly out of nowhere, he raised his head and smiled at her. Good Godric, but he was beautiful. And apparently he was hers. She wondered how long it would take for her to get used to that.

“Okay, Princess, anything you want,” he smirked, “it would be my honor to court you, and I don't mind keeping our relationship quiet for the time being, as long as I get to see you I'll be content.”

She huffed and rolled her eyes.

“Princess?” she asked, wrinkling her nose in distaste.

That only made his smirk grow.

“Yes,” he said simply.

She decided not to argue, she had a feeling he would only dig his heels in, she also had a feeling that as much as they may be destined to be together he was still going to drive her crazy.

“Anything I want,” she wheedled, realizing there was something she very much wanted at the moment, she'd had so many questions about his transformation, she was desperate to see it for herself.

“Oh yes,” he practically purred, “after all I am designed to please you.”

She felt herself growing hot at his innuendo and knew that she was bright red. She had very little experience with physical intimacy and hoped he didn’t expect them to fall right into that aspect of their relationship. She shook the thought away and looked back to him. He chuckled darkly and gave her a knowing look, her thoughts must have been written all over her face.

“You don't have to be so nervous around me, you know,” he said, switching rapidly from amused to concerned.

She squirmed uncomfortably before deciding to be starkly honest with him, she raised her chin and squared her shoulders.

“I don't have a lot of experience sexually. None, as a matter of fact. And I just don't know what you expect from me. I'm not sure I'll be ready anytime soon,” she confessed, shooting him a look that dared him to challenge her.

But his eyes just softened.

“Oh don't worry about that, I have no expectations, I certainly would never rush you into anything, I just want to be with you,” he said, as if it was no matter, “And as much as I enjoyed teasing and making you blush just now, if it makes you uncomfortable I'll stop.”

“No,” she said abruptly, “I don't mind teasing, I just didn't want there to be any misunderstandings,” she didn't want him to hold himself back around her, she liked his easy banter.

 His Veela Heritage by RiverWriterWhere stories live. Discover now