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Name: Frank Iero

family: Cheech (father), Anthony (big brother) and Natalie (cousin)

background: a thug guy came from the southside. He grew up with a messed-up family, playing with guns and knives instead of toys as a kid. He was a closeted gay due to his heavily homophobic father. His job involved stealing and beating people, making the neighbors afraid of him. He was a very aggressive guy with a cold heart.



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Name: Gerard Way

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Name: Gerard Way

Family: Donald (father), Donna (mother)

background: A well-behaved lad hailed from a prosperous family, the sole heir to the country's largest company. Despite being openly gay, he faced his father's disapproval.



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Name: Anthony Iero

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Name: Anthony Iero

Name: Anthony Iero

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Name: Natalieyou can imagine her!

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Name: Natalie
you can imagine her!

The prettiest boy at the PartyWhere stories live. Discover now