Top 3

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As the competition progressed, Michelle watched with pride and admiration as Anntonia continued to grace the stage with elegance and poise. The anticipation reached its peak as the host announced the Top 3, and Michelle's happiness soared when she heard her girlfriend's name being called.

"Miss Thailand!" the host declared, and a wave of applause and cheers filled the venue. Anntonia, now in the Top 3, stood tall, representing her country with grace and beauty. Michelle beamed with pride from backstage, her heart swelling with joy for Anntonia's success.

"Go, my love! You've got this!" Michelle whispered to herself, knowing that, regardless of the final outcome, Anntonia had already achieved something extraordinary. The bond they shared and the support they offered each other were the true victories of the night. As the spotlight shone on Anntonia in the Top 3, Michelle's admiration for her beautiful girlfriend knew no bounds.

As the Q&A session unfolded, Anntonia showcased her grace and intelligence in answering the questions. The tension built as the time came to announce the next Miss Universe.

The host declared Miss Australia as the 2nd runner-up, and Michelle's heart raced with anticipation.

Then came the moment of truth, "Miss Nicaragua, our new Miss Universe 2023!"

Anntonia had secured the title as 1st runner up and the venue erupted with cheers.

Michelle, overwhelmed with emotions, rushed to join Anntonia on the side of the stage. She embraced her, offering comfort and whispered words of pride and love.

"Congratulations, my love. You really are the best, and I'm so proud of you," Michelle said, her eyes shining with happiness.

Anntonia, holding back tears of joy, responded with a heartfelt gratitude, "Thank you, my love. Even if I didn't get the crown, I'm still happy.This is for us, for our journey together my love."

The couple joined the girls and Michelle and Anntonia embarce the new Miss Universe which is Miss Nicaragua.

In the quiet moments after the Miss Universe competition, Michelle found herself in Anntonia's room. The atmosphere was filled with a mix of emotions—pride, satisfaction, and the lingering joy of the journey they had shared together.

Anntonia, still radiant from the experience, welcomed Michelle with a warm smile. They sat together, reflecting on the whirlwind of the competition, the highs, and the shared triumphs.

"The crown might not have been destined for us, but our journey together was something special," Michelle said, looking into Anntonia's eyes.

Anntonia nodded in agreement, "Absolutely. I wouldn't trade the moments we've shared for anything. Our love, support, and the memories we created are the real treasures of this experience."

They continued to talk, finding solace and contentment in each other's company. The room echoed with the quiet satisfaction that comes from knowing that, despite the outcome, their bond had been strengthened, and their love had triumphed.

As they embraced the present, Michelle and Anntonia looked forward to the future, grateful for the unique journey they had undertaken together, crowned not with a pageant title but with the richness of their shared experiences and unwavering love.

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