4: nightmare

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I entered the VIP section on the aeroplane returning back to my county with a comforting peace in my heart and was excited at the same time at the thought of meeting my parents after years...
I looked at my phone and a satisfying smirk played on my lips after reading the headlines of the news..

" The XYZ company is bankrupted due to the carelessness of the CEO"
"Now no one knows how the CEO of XYZ company will manage to stabilize his expenses and the loans he took before"

This fûcking CEO was a type of pain in my ãss from some months, now he got the punishment for messing with me..

"Travis Salvestro"

I played a nice movie on my phone and put the earplugs in my ear and made myself comfortable on the couch I was sitting on...
The movie started but it felt like the new journey of my life has been started from now on...


Looking at Venessa Mam's husband who wasn't letting mam teach me by and was talking with me continuously...
I glanced at mam while smiling nervously biting my lower lip while she was glaring at her husband angrily...
And then I glanced at her husband who was laughing while telling me something and I too facked my laugh...

"And you know when I first proposed to your mam she jumped like she saw a cockroach hahaha 🤣🤣"

"And that cockroach was obviously you and my bad with whom I am stuck now" she said gritting her teeth while sir finally looked at her and gulped in fear looking at her dangerous face...

Someone said right... Women are most dangerous when they get angry..

Oh! Sorry I forgot... i am a woman too 😅

"So will you please let me teach my student now 😊"

Sir got up from there and went to his room silently while Mam sighed..

"I am sorry Hazel let's start where we left our equation now"
She said while flipping the pages of the maths book which I hate the most...

Well mam, I can't say this to you but I was enjoying Johnson sir's company more 🌝...

But my poor, this study will never leave me 🤧

"Oh! It's already 9 pm.. I am sorry Hazel we couldn't able to study much, you should go home now" she said "we will continue this tomorrow" she closed the book and look at me with an apologic face...

"It's okay mam you don't have to apologise.. I will go now"
I smiled at her while packing my bag...

"It's too late today, it's not safe for you to go alone"

"It's okay I can go-"

"No, I will say Jhonson to send you home" she said sternly while I had no choice but to follow her orders as she is my professor...
I was now in my bedroom reading a story book which was obviously kînky cause I like that...
Johnson sir drop me home safely and it was really nice to spend time with him... I felt so open when I am with him... He is just like me funny, clumsy and risky... We were driving at the speed of 100 and it was so fun...
I sighed and closed my book and place it beside me on the bed and tucked myself under the blanket as it was cold...
I glanced outside through the window and a sweet smell of mud riched my nose and I closed my eyes hearing to the dripping sound of water drops coming from outside... Rainy days are so relaxing and I love it the most..
I slept like that...

Author's POV

"Should I kill him sweety" A person with develish smirk said while moving his knife around a baby's face who was looking like 2 or 3 years old..

"No don't"
A girl nearly at 8 or 9 years whispered shivering...

"Why not"

"Be.. because he- he is my bro-brother"
She answered innocently while that person nodded with a pout...

"It's okay.. we will not kill him"

That girl smiled "really?"
And he nodded

"But we will touture him infront of you dear"

Her smile dropped and she looked at her brother who was scared and looking at her with a hope that she will save him, but what she could do, she herself was so small to think what was happening around her? who are those people? And what they want?

She was confused but her eyes widened at the scene infront of her..
That person slapped so hard to her brother that he fell down a little away from where he was standing and started crying loudly...

That person went to him and pulled him through his hair and again slapped him.. this time that baby screamed her sister's name in pain..



Waked up from the bed and panting in fear, her face was full of sweat and her eyes widened at what she saw just now...
She looked ahead to the opening door..
Her parents came inside in hurry with a worried and tensed face..

"Hazel, my dear what happened?" Her mother asked her cupping her face..
While she was still panting in fear and recollecting her memories...

"Is everything fine dear?" Her father asked her with a concern face...

Somewhere they both know the reason but still wanted to hear it from her..

Hazel looked at both of them and again hund her head down looking at her lap which was covered with the blanket...
"Tha-that.. nightmare" a whisper left from her mouth..

Her mother hugged her tightly...

"I am sorry dear, but you have to overcome with it you know"

"Don't you both feel the way I feel?"
Hazel asked from her parents with an emotionaless face..
Her mother broke the hug and looked at her..

"Trust me, I am his mother, he is- he was my son"

She said while caressing her face..

"He was our son little one, how can not we feel the way you feel.. it's hard for us too" her father said to Hazel..
"I know what we feel is not the same as you feel everyday but still he was our son, he was my sperm"

"I carried him in my womb dear, we love you both"
"Now you should sleep"

Hazel nodded and layed down on the bed... Her father kissed her forehead and went out from her room with her mother...

As soon as they close the door of Hazel's room her mother burst out crying..

"I am such a bad mother who couldn't save her son and let her daughter get traumatized"

"It's not your fault dear, we didn't knew what was happening"

"And still we don't know who was behind all this" her mother complained...

"Shh" he embraced Hazel's mother calming her so that they can stay strong enough to make their daughter strong to face anykind of shîts which are still left to come in her life..

Thank you for reading my story, please support my first story

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