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An angel.

That's what Jisung was.

White shirt, white silk pants, white shoes, wings the size of two chariots, eyes that could enchant and a smile that could fill your heart and soul with warmth.

Loyal. Unyielding. Devoted.

A pure-bred angel forged in sunlight to serve the earth and protect its people.

Holy. Pure. Angelic.

That's what he was supposed to be.

But the acts he wanted to succumb to were anything but angelic.

They were dirty. lustful. sinful.

Jisung couldn't help it.

He was in love.

His love was the very reason he was falling right now.

Plummeting deep past the clouds of Heaven, down past the earthly realm and deep into the gates of the underworld.

Jisung was Loyal, Unyielding, Devoted. But not to the Earth, not to the heavens, not even to Hell.

Jisung was faithful to one man and one man alone.

Lee Minho.

He was not forged in light. Nor did he dress in white.

Black was his preferred shade. Black dress shirt, black leather pants, black boots. His eyes were a deep charcoal and his lips were like poison.

A demon from the darkest corners of his vivid dreams.

He was Jisung's complete opposite. A vast contrast to his own reflection. But he was also his complete harmonious pair.

Minho was his soulmate.

An addiction of fate that Jisung pledged to cross realms to find. Even if the very light that gave him life also bound him to the skies above.

His destiny had been written in the stars for all to see, but his dreams had always shattered like a comet through the atmosphere whenever he tried to leave.

For so long Jisung had been bound. But Heaven could only hold his heart captive for so long.

Jisung could not stay put when forever was eternal.

Jisung had chosen to break the chains that kept him bound, and he crashed through Heaven's gates like a million diamonds to a wall of glass.

As his descent grew closer Jisung knew exactly where to go, and he had no plans to stop, even as his wings burned to cinders and he lost the ability to fly.

In essence he had no choice. He couldn't stop once he was past the gates. Not even if he tried.

Fleeing Heaven meant leaving his divinity behind and trusting in what lies deep below.

For human eyes, his descent happens in a blink of an eye. A lightning flash from the Heavens to the Earth. But for Jisung the bare pulse of time is torturous.

He feels every fibre snap and every feather burn until his very existence is no more.

Jisung grows dark and cold as he crashes through Hell's gates plummeting into darkness. But he is anything but scared.

Within seconds he falls into the arms of his demon. His beautiful sin, waiting in the shadows.

Minho embraces him without hesitation. Wrapping his arms around his core and locking their bodies close.

"Welcome home my angel" he whispers slowly.

Jisung releases a breath. Home. For the first time in a long time, Jisung feels the true weight of the word. His body is no longer bound, his heart is free.

Jisung was home in the arms of a demon. His demon. More enchanting and divine in the flesh.

Jisung breathes in. His lungs fill with new life.

Minho smelt of twilight and sage and his hands were comforting and gentle as they caressed the charred remains of his wings.

"How did you know I was coming?" Jisung questions as he looks into the eyes of his demon. "How did you know where I'd fall?"

"Jisung, my angel, there's only one way in and it's through Hell's gates. I knew you'd come one day, I've just never been certain as to when"

Jisung's hand catches Minho's arm. He grips it tightly. "How long have you been waiting?"

"As long as I've know that I love you." Minho shrugs. "I visit Hell's gate all the time, hoping to one day find you here. I guess today was the day"

A timid gasp escapes Jisung's lips, and his cheeks flush pink. Jisung turns his head shyly, but Minho is quick to take his chin and turn his gaze back.

"Jisung..." Minho calls softly, "May I kiss you?"

The shy pink of Jisung's cheeks remains, but he can't help but chuckle.

Demons were painted as cruel beings who lacked heart. But Minho was the very proof that they lived and breathed just as angels did. Minho was alive, he was real, he was polite and he was kind. He always had been. The fact that he had waited for him at Hells gate was testament to his character.

Jisung wished the Heavens could see demons the way he saw Minho. He wished he could break Heaven's fears and set them free.

Jisung turns his head to meet Minho's eyes, and he leans in to meet Minho's lips.

He'd tried kissing those lips more times than he could count as he sat with Minho under the guise of night in the depths of his dreams. But this was the first time he truly felt the impact, that he truly felt the connection.

His desires were blooming into real love, giving him a rush and setting his soul ablaze.

Minho's kiss paralyses him in his embrace, it brings him euphoria in ways he never thought possible.

"Minho, I love you"

Minho leans in close. His lips are a hairbreadth from his own. His eyes are unwavering. "Jisung, my heaven's sin, I love you too."

~ • ~

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