"I'm sorry Hedi but I haven't the slightest idea how the world works."

"Milady what?"

"I've never gone outside. My mother and father didn't let me."

"Why is that My lady?"

"I'm not sure. I was their precious rose. I guess I was so precious that they didn't want me out of their sight."

"Milady, I propose something."

"What is it?"

"Sneak out next time to the town."

"See what you might come across."

Here she was. She was doing just what Heidi had suggested. Her golden slippers stepped on the rocky cobblestones and she stared out into the dark alleys with shaky hands. On her right hand she held a small wax candle to make her way out of the mansion.

As she walked, everything seemed to feel out of order. She doesn't recall people being this dirty? What happened to their hair? What is that smell? Why is Walt's family here? What is that weird brown thing? Is it poop?

She stood out. Her bright pink attire compared to the brown and black gowns they wore. Not once had she ever seen this.

Where are the flowers?

Even the people in Rosas wore purple. But black was rare to find. At least if the nuns were near then no. There no black. There is only happiness.


A hand pulled at her skirts. She looked at the woman with the baby in her arms and then both met eyes for a minute.


"Have any spare change for us?"

This woman looked strange. Strange.

"No I don't. Sorry." A broken tear fell down Rosa's face.

The woman wailed and then tried to grab her full on dress until Rosa pulled her skirts and then made a run for it.

A man with a beard.

A woman without a home.

A man without a leg.

"How much for a night with you?"

Two girls without a home.

No food.

No dream.

Stars! Is this what people deal with all the time? She- she-

Rosa burst into tears and then fell down on her knees. Who knew anything about this?

This dark hour.

Suddenly, Rosa looked up and stared at a man's face. He had a beard and half lidded eyes. He was... he was.

His beard and hair had gone gray.

He runs away from her. And she does not seem to see him again.

"Rosa?" Walt asks, he nuzzles against her chest.

"What was that?"

What was any of that? Rosa is still shaking in her body. She can barely hold Walt without sweating her hands.

"I don't know." She finally speaks.

Once she was a precious rose. Now she's just a bit of dirt.

"My dear."

Rosa looked behind herself to find this lady wearing a blue cloak. She held this silver golden stick in her hands and herself she had gray hairs.

"Who are you?" Rosa asked.

"I'm your fairy Godmother." She responded simply with a shrug.


"Right. It's been a while since I did this." The woman took a breath and calmed herself with a laugh.

FG has been getting old at the whole fairy godmother thing. But she loves her job.

"I know. It may seem ridiculous. But it's real. Trust me honey." She chuckled sweetly.

"But I-.. Heidi was right and-" Rosa was sputtering.

"Slow down there hon'." FG said.

"What is going on?"

"It's just that.."

"All my life I have been kept in a castle. I've never seen any of these things." Rosa began.

"What is a man? What is an old person? What is a - a dying r-rose?"

She burst into tears as soon as rose came out of her mouth.

"Hey." FG laid a hand on her shoulder.

And the thing is stupid. Her wish was to know the world. How it goes. How it grows. How it..

Her father said to her once, he wants to protect her at all costs. And there is no rose he will never pick again in her name. There is not a pink rose that will never be touched.

He loves her so much.

He made is illegal to pick another pink rose ever again. When she noticed the little pink rose in the ground her heart broke. If anyone picks another rose again they'll be punished.

If anyone picks another pink rose ever again you will be punished severely. He said.

Wishing he was somehow here again.

"My dear, it's okay." FG comforts.

"No!" Rosa breaks the contract with very much force in her voice.

There is no ocean no one will not ever reach...

"The world is a good place and I know it in my heart."

She started to pace around quickly. No. No no no no. Tears streamed down her face and forehead. Both weren't good.

"My dear... I have a proposal." FG says, her voice is soft and Rosa hugs her in despair.

"What is it?"

"I am going to tell you even stories. But it is entirely up to you if you want to hear them."

"Are they happy tales?" Rosa wipes her tears.

"Some yes. But some are not." FG explains.

"I accept."


Her name is is Avadoravenua.

He has to say it everyday. To remind himself that she is in fact not not her.

He made sure as to not wake the Queen up. Then he made his way out to the back of the castle and there it is.

Florian, Basil, Indigo.

They are all his precious flowers. His little princes. His little sons.

Why didn't he send a doctor that day? Because he loved Amaya? He wasn't so sure that he loved her anymore..

Wishing they were somehow here again.

There is no flor that he would pluck again. There is no little bit of Basil to keep anyone warm anymore. No more Indigo for everyone to share. No one will ever pluck a Rosa ever again.

It is merely illegal.

He ate them. He's a monster! He ate his children! 

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