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Gotta give props to the stars for punishing all three of the main peeps. They punished Ava' for sleeping with a married man by making her relive her traumatic labor process, but they rewarded her good deed by allowing her to see her daughter and taunt Magnifico for all he's worth. They punished Amaya for taking the stillborns and cooking them by forcing her to raise her husband's surviving bastard. They punished Magnifico by being taunted by Ava'.

He got a slap on the wrist while Ava' got the worst. But the slap was hard.

Dahlia didn't think she'd see this.

Safi and Bazeema were her dearest friends. To see them...


Bazeema tried to cover herself while Safi attempts to put his pants back on. He sneezes as he does.

"My two friends? Making out?" Dahlia cries out in disbelief.

"We didn't plan it this way! We were going to tell you guys! He cried out.

Bazeema squealed in shock.

"You guys are dating?" Dahlia questioned, almost yelling.

"Yes." Safi revealed, sadly.

"Safi I'm pregnant!" Bazeema cried out.

What? Dahlia stared at her half-naked friend in shock.

"What?" Safi asked...

"I'm sorry!"

He stared inside of the bedroom as he always does. There lay Ava in all her sadness and poor attempts to try and sleep. But she's not here and therefore she does not need any sort of rest. That's something her soul needs.

He slowly watched her. Even being seen as ugly to the main eye, she looks more beautiful than anything. Clumps of hair lay in the place where she used to have her meals.

He still watches her even after she has died. Because she is there but never really there.


When Magnifico called his daughter into his laboratory he was hoping she would leave them both alone.

But she didn't.

Instead she just stared at the sacred doors where the wishes were. Once he told her what it was all about. Once he revealed the truth of everything. Once she seduced him.

"So papa, why did you bring me here?" Rosa asked.

He set down a potion. You ever hear the phrase actions speak louder than words? Well, that's now how Magnifico sees it.

Actions and words are equal. They are both parts when representing a case or making a statement. They are equal and one cannot be greater than the other.

She chose to lay with him. She seduced him. She can say all she wants and if the phrase is true then maybe she is innocent. But she's young and therefore she cannot....

She seduced him.

"You see mi rosa, now that you are eighteen it is time I grant your wish." Magnifco said, smiling merrily.

"Padre, I have never asked anything of you, but I wish to ask you something." The eighteen year old said.

"And what is that wish?" Magnifico asked.

"I wish to know about the world. I wish to know of everything and everyone." She requested.

Magnifico stopped dead in his tracks. He stared at the door that led to his wishes..

"I cannot grant that my rose." He said.

Rosa looked at her father. How? He was the best soceror who ever lived and now he's saying that he can't make her wish come true?

"Why?" She questioned.

"This is one wish you will have to pursue yourself mi flor." He said sadly.

She turned sour.


She curtsied.

"I leave you now, dad."

Once she left Magnifico looked at Ava and sighed.

"Are you happy now?"

She just played with her finger. She didn't dare say a word to him.


He was loosing it! The urge of this rotten king to try and spoil her will. Once he admired him. Once he actually loved what he did. But then he took her.

Any other man would have thought Ava to be a greedy woman who threw her career, her golden pathto kiss a king and get pregnant. But he knew the truth.

You don't know the whole story.

This time, he would not allow Ava to suffer anymore. And he'd get what he'd been wishing for.


The Duchess of Sittlich stared at her old kingdom sadly. So, she met a girl last night who got pregnant by a bad king and died. It was a week after and now she and her husband were heading to his German Duchy. But that didn't mean that the young Princess had to go so suddenly.

She doesn't believe it. People are good. There is no such thing..

You see, she has never seen Rosas before. And tonight her Father was holding a Wish ceremony. Sadly she wouldn't be able to see it. But she hoped he would write to her and then tell her how it went.

For now, she would just be guided by her husband...


"Don't look at me. It was your father's wishes."


Well Rosa has a wish aswell, and that is to let this blindfold get off. She's no Daddy's girl.

"Aha!" She took the blindfold off and looked around at the world.

She stared at the guards. She had never seen any other older men other than her father. Nor any men for that matter aswell. She studied them all closely as they tried to shield her view. She didn't hold back from running away from them.

"My lady!" Mimi cried out, distraught.

"I'm alright Mimi." Rosa said, calmly.

She looked around as the smell of the sea in the ports and then looked.


It's something she had been wishing for her whole life. To be free from the castle walls as her parents had kept her safe from the rest for so long. And now her wish came true.

But now she had another, she's so greedy, and it was itching to be granted.

What is the world?

"Come my wife." Alfonso said and took her to the ship. 

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