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it's weird how we don't remember the exact things but the memories, sounds of laughter, smell. yes, i still remember everything. it feels just like yesterday when all of us were laying on the green grass and punjabi hymns were playing in the darbar. they told us to be quiet but we still broke the rules of that place and started playing hide and seek.

if I had known the time given to us would be this short, I would have played with you all night along. i would have sat beside you on the top of the mountain and listened to your stories. i would have paid more attention to you, to us, to everything.

the smell of the grass when we were fighting with Beyblade in the morning was so pleasant that I still remember it till this day. they say you're lucky to remember everything from your childhood, I say it's a curse as you start longing for those things again and again until they drive you crazy and ruin your present and future

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