chapter 28

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AN: I am sorry in advance. You guys are going to be so mad at me for this chapter...and the next one. Oops.


The two stood there a while longer, staring out at the passing waves. It was a comfortable silence, and yet it spoke so many more words than what they could ever say aloud.

"Lia, can I borrow you for a second?" Nina approached, holding out her hand.

Cecilia looked at her in confusion before remembering the feather embedded on her arm. She pulled up her sleeve and held out her arm. Nina's glowing fingers brushed over her, leaving behind flawless skin once more.

"Now I need to borrow you," Kaz said to Nina, not bothering to wait for her response before he walked away.

Nina looked to Cecilia in confusion, but the flower girl just shrugged. She had no idea what Kaz was planning next. It was probably necessary though.

Inej slid into place next to her, "What's that about?"

"Have no clue. You know Kaz, always scheming," Cecilia smiled.

Inej scoffed, "Always. But...I'm worried about Nina."

Cecilia held onto Inej's hand, "I know. I am too. But we're going to help her get through this as much as we can."

"That's right, she's got a whole group of idiots to look after her," Valan's voice sounded as he stood next to Inej.

"Idiots? Speak for yourself, Val," Cecilia immediately sassed back.

"No, I said what I said. Everyone's an idiot in some way."

Inej and Cecilia turned to look at him with identical looks, brows raised in daring inquisition and arms crossed.

Valan paused, "I sense I've made a mistake of some kind."

"No, please, do go on," Inej pressed.

"Um...I think I'm just going to shut up now."

"That would be wise, dear brother of mine."

Kaz wandered back over and Valan's expression turned sour. It was clear the two had a mutual disliking of each other. They also had a mutual respect, but their dislike was much stronger.

"What did you say to Nina?" Inej asked immediately.

"I have a job I need her to perform."

Cecilia knew she had been right. But she had no clue what the job could be. Obviously it was something only Nina could do. So it related to either her skills as a heartrender or a tailor.

"She's about to go through a terrifying ordeal-"

Kaz cut her off, "And work still needs to get done."

"Well aren't you just a swell guy. Can't give anyone a break can you. I guess empathy isn't in your vocabulary," Valan said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"Empathy won't get the job done or keep everyone alive."

"Gets you laid though, which you clearly need," Valan mumbled to himself, though everyone clearly heard.

"Valan, shut your mouth!"Cecilia exclaimed in disbelief.

"It's true though. Maybe then he wouldn't be such an ass," Valan replied back in Shu.

Cecilia stepped around Inej and grabbed him by the ear, "I apologize for my brother's lack of class and politeness. Please continue on without us."

Kaz and Inej watched as Cecilia dragged her complaining brother away by the ear, scolding him in their native tongue all the way.

Flower of the North [Kaz Brekker; Six of Crows]Where stories live. Discover now