chapter 3

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AN: I'm gonna give you guys an extra chapter this week simply because I feel like it. you go. Bam. 

Cecilia was now at the age of 15. She had grown about an inch in that time while her brother had grown three. He would be as tall as their father at this point. But with her maturing figure also came a bit more danger from the drunken men in the Barrel. She now had to carry a dagger tucked into a pocket of her new dress. She was adept at wielding blades of any size.

Kaz was also one to notice how she was maturing. She grew even more beautiful by the day and it made him a bit nervous to be around her, although he never showed it. He himself had matured and now walked with a cane and had gloves covering his hands.

Kaz had also been around less as he rose in rank in the Dregs. Cecilia noticed his absence, but didn't complain. Seeing him at all was enough for her. They had become friends of a sort.

Cecilia smiled and nodded politely to one of Tante Heleen's girls as they gave her a large sum of money for a handful of perfumes. They always gave much more than they needed to.

Cecilia made her way past the Crows Club for the second time that day on her route back home. Kaz was standing just outside and stared at her as she passed. Cecilia sent him a familiar smile and reached into her cart to get a small blue-purple flower and jogged over to him.

"Bluebells. They represent kindness and gratitude. A perfect flower to show someone that you are grateful for their friendship and support. I suppose it's a great gift now that we've known each other just about a year, right, Kaz?" Cecilia presented the flower to him.

Kaz carefully took the flower from her, "I suppose it is. I don't have anything to give you."

Cecilia rolled her eyes playfully, "Oh, please, when have I ever asked for anything in return? Your presence is enough for me. I'll see you soon."

Kaz simply nodded in response, watching her carefully as she left, keeping his eye on her until he could no longer see her. Over the year he had certainly grown a lot colder. Much more calculated in his actions. Though he supposed he could never truly carry that coldness into his relationship with Cecilia. While he often pretended to have an air of indifference when it came to her, he always looked out for her. Always.


Cecilia sat by her father's bedside, her heart beating fast in her worry. Gerelt had been getting sicker for a few weeks now. And while Healer's could mend a plethora of injuries, they could not heal sicknesses. Cecilia cursed that fact. She had grown exponentially as a healer this past year. She had even healed her brother's broken finger. But she couldn't heal her father.

She had been trying her hardest to give him whatever tinctures, teas, oils, and salves that she could scrounge up to try and make him better. But Cecilia was not a true doctor. She couldn't figure out what to do. Gerelt had turned a sickly pale color and was unable to walk far distances anymore. And they couldn't afford a trip to the nearest doctor. They had upped their prices recently and when Cecilia had come in to request her father to be seen, they made it even more expensive upon seeing she was Shu.

1000 kruge total was a ridiculous amount. Cecilia and Valan had been trying their hardest to save the money that they could while also paying the bills they needed to in order to keep running the business. They had skipped meals for days on end just to save the money. And Cecilia had taken on not only her route, but also had to stay in the store a few days in the week to manage it. Valan would take over the store the remaining days while having to work into the early hours of the morning to get perfumes done and ready. It was taking a toll on the young children. They weren't ready to let go of their father yet.

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