Start from the beginning

"Old habits die hard." Tara answered.

"All right, what are you doing?"

"I'm not doing anything. I was just watching his surgery because I happen to be interested in neuro." Which wasn't a lie. "So stop asking me questions." Tara snapped and left.


Tara was doing sutures in the pit since no surgical cases had arrived, when Derek walked up to her.

"Hi, I saw you you watching the surgery from the gallery this morning." He said. "What were you doing here at three in the morning? Didn't your last shift end at midnight?"

"I just wanted to see your surgery. Why is everyone making a big deal out of it."

"Sorry, I'm just worried. You look tired, it's okay if you need to go home and rest."

"I'm fine I don't need rest and I appreciate that you're worried, but I really I'm fine." He gave her an unconvinced look. "I'm fine." She repeated.

"There were a lot of 'I'm fines' in that sentence." He argued. "Look I know we're not together anymore, you made that clear, but that doesn't mean that I stopped caring or lov—" he stopped himself before saying. "I will always be here for you. I can see that you're struggling, you don't have to fine."

"I wish it were that simple." She whispered, now realizing their faces were inches apart. Then— Tara's beeper sounded causing her to pull away from him. "Bailey. I have to go." She said as Derek nodded.

The interns and Bailey waited for the ambulance to arrive. The first patient went to Cristina, which was a man with 3 severed fingers.

Then another ambulance arrived with a pregnant woman who had been in a car accident. "Tara take her, do an echo and page Dr. Montgomery-Shepherd."

She did as she was told and was about to start the echo when she arrived. "Good morning Dr. Parks." Addison greeted.

"Good morning Dr. Shepherd. They are both stable, but I had to give her some medication to help her relax. I'm about to start the echo."

Addison nodded. "Risks?"

"It was a tough accident, there is a high chance she could go into labor, which wouldn't be a problem but I think there is some internal bleeding. If she goes into labor she may not survive child birth." Tara continued with the echo until she noticed something wrong. "Fuck. Dr. Shepherd, do you see this?"

"We need to do an emergency c-section. The umbilical cord is wrapped around the baby's neck. Book an OR"

"What? Shouldn't we check for internal injuries first? The mom could bleed out."

"If we don't operate the baby will definitely die. I'm the attending Dr. Parks, last I checked you were just an intern. Now book an OR."

Tara did so reluctantly she was sure she was right but Addison would never take her seriously because of what happened with Derek.


During surgery the mom started loosing more blood than the one predicted, and eventually bled out on the table and Tara was helpless to do anything. At least the Baby survived right? And Addison had been the baby's savior. Addison hadn't been the one who had to console the husband after finding out the woman he loved was dead.

"Dr. Shepherd, can I have a word?" Tara asked the attending after having thrown up the little food she had eaten during the day. "I know you have a problem with me for my history with your husband, but today you undermined me completely. We could have waited a couple of hours to check on the mom and then do the c-section. It was the reasonable thing to do but you allowed your feelings to cloud your judgement and a patient died."

Addison sighed. "You're right I allowed my emotions to get the best of me and a woman died and for that I am truly sorry. You're a good doctor and I'm sorry I couldn't acknowledge that sooner."

"Why? I have done nothing to you. The I found out Derek was married I broke it off."

"That's the point. You broke up with him. If it had been up to Derek you two would still be together and I know he loves you and his biggest regret is lying to you, not ruining his marriage or leaving his New York life behind. No, the only thing he regrets is loosing you. I can't compete with that."

"That's not my problem. Divorce him, don't divorce him, do whatever you want, but leave me out of it. I have enough problems to deal with your crumbling marriage."

Unfortunately, everyone knows that love can be the most beautiful dream. As well as the worst nightmare...

A/N: I'm sorry I've been gone for a really long time, but I was finishing up the semester and the I was completely burned out so I couldn't do shit. But here it is, hope you enjoy it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19 ⏰

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False God - Derek ShepherdWhere stories live. Discover now