Im in love with my twin best friend (preview)

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Alexis: I barged into the living room, my butt sweating in anger, I marched up to my twin brother Sammy on the sofa, snatched his can of juice, and dumped it on his head. he made a run for it!
Alexis: And I was chasing him with a baseball bat, when mom walked in..
Mom: Alexis, what are you doing to my poor baby?
Alexis: Your poor baby locked me in a Haunted House down the street! I nearly pooped my pants!! did you guys notice that i've been gone for hours?
Mom: How could we? Sammy hurt his little toe and he was in so much pain..
Alexis: Oh yeah? Well, He's about to be in a lot more pain than that!
Mom: Enough, Alexis! stop bullying your brother!
(Mom takes Sammy away)
(Over the windowsill)
Alexis: Hey guys, It's Alexis.
Alexis: And I'm about to tell you why having a twin brother is a absolute nightmare!
Alexis: Ever since I was born, my twin brother Sammy acted like he was better than me, just because he was born 10 minutes earlier. Even my parents acted like he was God's gift to mankind, and pampered him all the time! It's not like they hated me, Just that Sammy was the apple of their eye and he could do no wrong. Like on our tenth birthday, my parents threw us a beach party, and I spent an hour building the most amazing sand castle.
Alexis: But just as I turned my back to grab a shovel, Sammy and his best friend Nathan came running and smashed it into pieces!
Younger Alexis: Why did you do that!?
Younger Sammy: Because it was ugly and it was ruining my perfect view!
Alexis: He threw sand in my face and ran away!
Younger Nathan: Are you okay?
Younger Alexis: (enraged) I will be Now!!
30 reads and I will release the full story!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2023 ⏰

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